Three Unusual Disciplines for a Refreshing Post-Covid Summer

This morning I met a young mom for breakfast at Turtle Bread, one of my favorites in the shady Linden Hills neighborhood near my house. Over slices of quiche we talked about race and faith communities, the unique differences in our kids, and what post-Covid life looks and feels like.

When I asked how I could be praying for her, she said, “I’m weary and burnt out from a year of pandemic and I find it hard to concentrate on spiritual disciplines. I want to connect with Jesus, but I can’t seem to focus. I also long to redeem the summer we lost last year with our kids.”

I hear the same words of fatigue and almost PTSD-type symptoms from many people I talk to! There is a tension between the exhaustion we feel and the drive to get out there amp everything up to “normal” again.

Have you ever noticed how many commands there are to celebrate, wonder, and rest (or Sabbath) in the Bible?

What if we take a sabbatical from some of the traditional spiritual disciplines and embrace the disciplines of rest and play and wonder?

These disciplines may mean we turn off the news, the computer, the TV, the podcast and show up completely present to God and others. Dive in. Breathe deep.

He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted….stop and consider God’s wonders.

Job 9:10, 37:14

What if we…

  • practice joy with dance parties, and slumber parties and picnics, recognizing God’s faithfulness?
  • read a verse together and then nap with our kids on blankets out under a tree?
  • take a walk without any noise in our ears and say, “Come Holy Spirit. What do you have to show me about myself and yourself today?” (this one’s my favorite!)
  • stop to soak up God’s creation as we pick strawberries, or gather a bouquet of flowers, or look up at the clouds ?
  • carry a breath prayer with us through our days Breathe in: Creator God, Breathe out: Refresh me.

Recently my small group took time to celebrate all God’s gifts that we had missed rejoicing over while separated by Covid.

What will you do to celebrate, wonder, or rest this summer?

Many, Lord my God, are the wonders you have done, the things you planned for us. None can compare with you; were I to speak and tell of your deeds, they would be too many to declare.

Psalm 40:5


  1. Lisa Ervin

    Hi Laura
    I really enjoyed reading this reflection. I love the idea of joy and dance parties as a spiritual practice, especially after all we lost over the last year+. Thank you for sharing.

    • Laura Crosby

      So glad it resonated with you Lisa! This morning I read Psalm 30:11-12 that seemed to reinforce our feelings coming out of Covid too!
      “You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy, that my heart may sing your praises and not be silent. Lord my God I will praise you forever.” 😍💃

      • Lisa

        Yes! That is how it is feeling! Thank you for sharing!

  2. Laura

    I needed this today. Thank you for simple ways to start to reconnect .

    • Laura Crosby

      So thankful!

  3. Laura Mac

    I needed this today. Thank you for simple ways to start to reconnect .

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