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6 Vital Practices to Fill You Up During a Draining Season

There’s a reason I haven’t been posting lately. It’s because I feel like there are just too many words coming at us. Too much news, too many emails, too much technology. We are feeling dehumanized and desperately long for the things that remind us we are made in God’s image.

We miss hugs, talking in person, laughing around a table…And if you’re like me, almost anything on a screen makes you feel weary.

I’m popping on today to suggest some practices that might help. But before we look at things to fill us up, what about putting boundaries on the things that drain us and make us feel dehumanized?

A few boundaries I’ve found helpful:

  • Turn off ringer and leave phone in one place in the house when you are home so it’s not nearby.
  • Tape one reliable news show instead of having news on in the background or turning it on indiscriminately.
  • Set your phone for boundaries. Go to Settings, then “Screen time” and set “Down time” (times when your apps won’t be available to you) and “App limits” (you can choose to set a time limit on certain apps you may be tempted to use too much and your phone will notify when you’re at your limit)

After limiting what drains you, commit to some practices that fill you. Here are some of my suggestions. Maybe just pick one to focus on today, or add yours in the comments!


I used to think it was dumb when leaders had us pause to pay attention to our breath as a pre-cursor for prayer. I was wrong. Maybe it is the prevalence of technology and a 24/7 news cycle that has brought home the value of this practice that truly helps me be more present to God.

“God is the oxygen of your soul. Connecting body breath to God is a spiritual practice.”

Adele Calhoun

Go outside and sit on your front step (or on a park bench) and breathe in deeply. Think of the breath of God (the Holy Spirit – Ruach ) filling every inch of your body. Breathe out the care and anxiety you’re carrying.

Then use your senses. What are 5 things you see? What are 5 things you feel? Hear? Smell? Just sit, and breathe. What’s the invitation of God in this moment? Be present and human.


Make something with your hands. Anything. Especially if your day is spent mostly using your mind. For me that looks like sewing masks, or baking, or creating environments for gathering people. Maybe for you it might be creative lettering, or photography or making a care package for someone.


Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

Philippians 4:8

When we read Scripture, it reminds us that we are not alone. We are not the first to experience this mess. God is not surprised or overwhelmed, or insufficient for what we are facing. There are wonderful parallels to this season in Exodus chapters 12-18 if you want a place to start.

When we read books about people and places different from us, it helps us look beyond ourselves and our own circumstances. It’s not escapist entertainment, but I think the book, American Dirt, is one of the best books I read this summer. It took me into the world of the immigrant experience as a mother and son flee Mexico for the U.S.

What good books are you reading?


During this incredibly stressful season, we need to laugh. We need beautiful pictures and stories that lift our spirits, inspire us, or make us smile. Most of you know I deleted Twitter and am rarely on FB, but I love Instagram because it brings joy. I follow tons of dog and travel feeds. I’ll spare you those, but here are a just a few of my favorite feeds.

If you want adventure, follow @jimmychin .
If you want to experience life on a delightful sheep farm, follow @sweckerfarm (especially her daily stories!)
For encouragement (even if you have his book) follow @charliemackesie !
If you wish you lived in the British countryside, follow @suddenjourneys (Especially her daily stories!!).
If you’d like to live in Paris, follow @alexandrine_ar !
For awe and wonder at God’s creation, follow @usinterior !

5. Thank

Study after study has shown that the practice of gratitude has benefits both physically and emotionally. You may want to keep a gratitude journal, or practice sharing 3 things you’re thankful for at dinner each night.

What are you thankful for right now?

6. Get Out (while wearing a mask at a social distance).

I want to be careful and wise with this one because we all have unique circumstances, and some will be limited more than others. But, within reason, how can you stay connected in person with others?

When the pandemic started, we decided to invest in making our outdoor space more welcoming and conducive to gathering people with distance. We bought a few more chairs and years ago we got a white tent at Costco (which is actually advertised as a carport).

Our daughter, Katy says she’s discovered paddle-boarding to be an ideal socially distanced activity to do with friends. For me, tennis is my go-to.

Maybe “getting out” is inviting friends to outdoor spaces with you, but I also read a great article recently on the importance of “casual connections” – how they provide needed emotional support and contribute to our sense of well-being. God did not create us for isolation, right?

The article talks about “consequential strangers” (like baristas, beauticians, checkout people at the grocery store) who give us the feeling that we belong to a community – a basic human need. 

Consequential strangers “are as vital to our well-being, growth, and day-to-day existence as family and close friends. Consequential strangers anchor us in the world and give us a sense of being plugged in to something larger…They are vital social connections – people who help you get through the day and make life more interesting.” *

What is one of these practices you might try today? What would you add?

*Melinda Blau and Karen L. Fingerman “The Power of People Who Don’t Seem to Matter…But Really Do.”

Soul Food When You Hate Waiting

I read somewhere this week that we’re past the initial phase of this pandemic when adrenaline was giving us energy. Now we’re just weary, realizing we’re going to need to slog along, waiting for a return to “normal” for longer than we hoped.


One of the things my spiritual director has encouraged me to reflect on is what God accomplished in times of waiting in the Bible.


For example, when Mary and Martha send for Jesus to come heal Lazarus, it says:

Now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus. So when he heard that Lazarus was sick, he stayed where he was two more days, 

john 11:5-6

Later Jesus says to the disciples:

“Lazarus is dead, and for your sake I am glad I was not there…

john 11:14-15

Jesus makes some clear statements about why (so that God would be glorified and they would believe), but what else might He have wanted to accomplish by dilly-dallying and allowing Lazarus to die? Why make Mary and Martha wait?

I hate to admit it, but waiting makes me desperate, and passionate and I can interact with Jesus a little like this…


Maybe that’s another reason why He allows me to be in situations where I have to wait. My relationship with Him is intensified. It’s raw and real, and draws me closer to Him.

If you’ve been through a hard time with someone –

  • waiting to get news with a family member in the E.R.
  • waiting with a friend to talk to police after being the victim of a crime
  • waiting with your family for your unemployment check to come
  • waiting with your spouse to get pregnant
  • waiting with colleagues to find out if the client wants to hire you

– you get to know your companions on a whole different level right?

Vulnerability leads to greater intimacy. And waiting makes us vulnerable.

I’ll be honest. I like greater intimacy with Jesus, but I sure don’t like what it takes to get me there! Anyway…enough serious stuff.

Whether you’re waiting for the pandemic to be over, or waiting for something else, I hope some of these posts from Instagram make you smile. You can find me, or any of these accounts here.

My Therapist Says

Another thing I’m trying to do while waiting is find things to celebrate!

Cinco de Mayo is coming up Tuesday and I’m going to try these shrimp tacos from pinchofyum.com that Maggie and Katy have been raving about. They’ve assured me liberal substitutions are permitted!


What’s keeping your spirits up during these days of waiting? What are you learning?

An Abundance of Soul Food for a Time Such as This

Here in Minnesota our governor has just extended our “lock down” til May (something new), and snow is predicted on Easter (something old).

It’s an understatement to say that this Easter will be different than any we’ve ever known. I was struck by this image from the Church of the Holy Sepulchre which I have visited many times. It marks the site of the crucifixion and tomb of Jesus.

I’m reminded of this verse:

You are Peter, a rock. This is the rock on which I will put together my church, a church so expansive with energy that not even the gates of hell will be able to keep it out.


Maybe having the trappings we have become accustomed to stripped away will help us to pay attention in a new way to the work of Jesus on the cross and in our lives!

Where will you be attending church online? Share in the comments!

As we carry on and look for the things Jesus wants to form in us during this time, I hope some of the following will make you smile or encourage you.

This warmed my heart.

And this…Instead of Boarding Up, Businesses Are Painting Their Storefronts With Uplifting Messages

I loved these ideas: 57 Things to Do With Friends When Social Distancing Beyond “Catching Up”, but 57 was a little overwhelming, so here are my favorites.

  1. Do a morning WFHOOTD (work from home outfit of the day) photo call-out in your group chat.
  2. Organize a remote game night; this spreadsheet has a bunch of good games for multiple players.
  3. Have a night where everyone utilizes the same ingredient (probably beans) or cooks the same recipe and then shares photos and/or eats together.
  4. Do a book club, or podcast club.
  5. Learn the same TikTok dances and show them to each other.
  6. And this one I’d add – memorize a passage of Scripture together.

You guys know that I love hanging out on Instagram because I try to follow and post images and stories that highlight beauty, goodness, and truth. Most mornings during the pandemic I’ve been posting a two minute devotional thought on my Instagram stories that I pray may encourage you.

Durning this time when we’re homebound (and even when we’re not!) I love to travel vicariously through the following Instagram feeds. I feel like I “live” on a farm in the mountains of Virginia and birth baby lambs with Sweckerfarm, and stroll the English countryside with Suddenjourneys! Both post delightful Instagram stories every day – highly recommend!

I’m awed by the beauty of God’s creation with earthpix and usinterior

Here’s the current stack of books I’m reading
but one of my go-to’s for recommendations is Anne Bogel – check out this post.

If you want an uplifting series that embodies honor, and integrity, I highly recommend The English Game on Netflix! It’s by Julian Fellowes (Downton Abbey) and is about the creation of soccer in England in the late 1800’s and the clash of classes at the time.

I don’t know about you, but these days I’m doing more slow cooker stuff that I can also split and freeze. Tonight I’m trying this from my friend Tonja of Tonja’s Table!

Easter meals are going to be really weird this year, amiright?? Is anyone sharing a meal virtually with family??

This egg bake (sorry I don’t have a picture) is our favorite for holidays. You make it the night before. Although it may sound strange, the two keys to making this great are English Muffin bread (From Great Harvest if you can), and Velveeta cheese (yes, you read that right!)

Cheryl’s Egg Casserole

  • 1/4 cup green onions sliced
  • mushrooms sautéed (if you want)
  • 1 cup ham diced (I just ask them to cut one thick slice of ham in the deli and then I dice it, but you can use bacon if you want)
  • 15 eggs scrambled (yes, cook them)

Make a cheese sauce like this:

  • 1/4 cup butter
  • 1/4 cup flour
  • 2 cups whole milk
  • 1 cup (or more) Velveeta cheese added slowly in chunks to melt

Mix everything together and put it in a casserole. Refrigerate overnight.

Melt some butter and toss torn pieces of English Muffin bread with it. Cover the egg casserole with the bread crumbs and bake at 350 til bubbly.

Have a blessed, joyful Easter everyone and remember to share where you’re going to church in the comments!

Soul Food for Long Days and Uncertain Times

The rhythm of our days looks very different in this season.

And yours, if you have littles, will look different than mine, or that of my missionary friends in Jordan, or my single friends in Hong Kong and New Zealand. But this crisis has knit us together across the globe, in ways we couldn’t imagine before.

I have not felt scared, but the other day, after a global prayer call was the first time I felt overwhelmed by the magnitude and implications of this pandemic for those outside my circle.

Then I got this note from our “adopted” son, Michael, who is a brand new doctor in Uganda. He writes, “We have very little to no personal protective equipment (ppe) such as N95 masks, goggles and gowns”, BUT then he goes on:

…some of us were manufactured for times like these. When the world needs us the most, our answer is always going to be “Here I am”

I and 5 other resident doctors have voluntarily been added to the COVID-19 treatment taskforce of the hospital. We have been fully trained on how to respond and remain safe throughout the management of a victim. 

From the view of events, only God can come to our rescue.  But is there a day or Moment when we asked for His kindness and He did not show up? NO!!

So I trust that even this time, the God we pray to and worship everyday will show up for us and save us.

May we be inspired by Michael, who is living out the truth of Romans 8!

we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Romans 8:37-39

I wrote on Instagram the other day that I’m convinced it’s not scientists that are going to come up with a vaccine for Covid_19, but desperate moms, stuck at home with their kids who have run out of creative ideas to keep everyone happy and engaged.

A few movies came to mind that might help with that (but are also great for adults)…

Spellbound – a documentary about 8 kids who are compete in the 1999 National Spelling Bee.

Akeelah and the Bee – fiction, about a young girl from south L.A. trying to make it to the National Spelling Bee.

Queen of Katwe – about a young girl from Uganda that discovers she has an amazing talent for chess and how it changes her life.

And if you want a fun comedy, check out The Trouble With Angels – about two students at a convent school who are very creative with their pranks.

And if you haven’t seen A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood, now’s the time!

A few posts from Instagram to make you smile…

This has been posted everywhere, but I could watch/listen to it indefinitely. In case you haven’t seen it yet, soak these words in.

I’ve been trying to share a little devotional thought in my Instagram stories each morning, and if you’d like to see past ones, I’m saving them on my story highlights under “Covid_19 Devos”.

What’s keeping you inspired, motivated, and encouraged these days? Share in the comments! (If you’re commenting for the first time, it won’t show up right away, but don’t worry, it will soon!)

Soul Food at a Social Distance

Are these crazy times, or what? How are you doing figuring out your new normal? Getting creative?

Do you have a bucket list? Been sticking to a schedule? Discovering some good books? I’d love to hear your ideas!

I’ve been posting about 2 minutes of devotional thoughts on my Instagram Stories each morning, and sharing some ideas of what we’re doing on my feed. I’d truly love to hear from you!

Here are a few resources and day-brighteners I’ve come across…

I love it that Hallmark is doing a Christmas movie marathon this weekend and people around the country are putting Christmas lights back out to bring some cheer!

We missed all the movies that came out between November and March so we watched A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood the other night. If you haven’t seen it, it’s just what we need during these anxious times.

If you have kids 4-10 years old, here’s a great resource just made available! All of Phil Vischer’s Veggie Tales and other Bible resources for kids on this website!

Love this song newly released by Elevation!

The verse that I have written in our kitchen is part of Deuteronomy 31:6 The Lord your God goes with you; He will never leave or forsake you.

Press on friends! And share your ideas in the comments please!

Soul Food, Thanksgiving, and Black Friday

Most Fridays I try to post some images, resources, and thoughts around a relevant topic. I call it “Soul food”, but it may include things that feed our heart, mind, and body, as well as soul. Whatever is beautiful, funny, true, helpful…I try to make it all things life-giving.

This week in the U.S. we’re looking forward to Thanksgiving, and either looking forward to, or dreading Black Friday, so here are a few resources.


Even the healthiest families can encounter challenges when everyone is thrown together. If you want a little help, check out this post on 5 Questions to Save Your Holidays from Family Drama

I saw this idea at a Starbucks in California, and had been meaning to copy it. Then Tsh Oxenreider posted it beautifully on Instagram!

She bought an extra pumpkin for November and every day her family tries to write something they’re thankful for on it. Fun Thanksgiving centerpiece too!

There are some great suggestions here for winning at Thanksgiving (except the suggestion to rent stuff – I can’t see doing that, but maybe it’s just me).

In past years I’ve made the commitment to not go into malls after Thanksgiving, but these days that’s not a challenge. Online shopping makes for a kinder, gentler holiday season and God bless us, everyone. Still, there is the random Target and grocery run, so I thought some of the following might help us to laugh at ourselves a little.

Can you find yourself? (I’m a 7)
This is just so true I can’t even stand it!


I’m grateful for each of you! Happy Thanksgiving!

Your turn! What are some fun Thanksgiving hacks, meaningful practices, or soulful insights you can share with us in the comments?

If you receive this in an email, just click on the title and then scroll down on the post to leave a comment. If it’s your first time, it will not appear right away, but don’t worry! It will soon!

As always, I’d love to have you join me over on Instagram! It’s my favorite place for small doses of joy and inspiration!

Soul Food with a Helping of Gratitude

It’s November! And with it comes Thanksgiving – the holiday many people say is their favorite because it’s simple. Family, football, a festive feast day, and no frenetic search for the perfect gifts.

No, it’s not great for everyone, I know. I don’t want to diminish the pain of those who are going through this holiday for the first time with someone missing from their table, or are in the midst of circumstances that are very difficult. Be gentle with yourself. Tell your people what you need. Maybe go back and read this post on a “sacrifice of praise” from a few years ago.

Some of us might need a little perspective shift. You may want to check out this post on what Thanksgiving looks like from where someone else is sitting.

If you want some prompts to help you keep a focus on gratitude this month, here you go!

  1. Write a note to someone you’re grateful for.
  2. Host a Friendsgiving gathering.
  3. Post a picture of one place you’re grateful for.
  4. Post a verse or quote on gratitude that is meaningful to you.
  5. Bake goodies and deliver as a thank you to people who don’t usually get recognized – like the janitor at your kids’ school.
  6. Give a shout out to a favorite Instagram feed and why you appreciate it. Share one of their pictures.
  7. What’s a favorite comfort food you’re thankful for? Make and invite someone to share.
  8. Share a Thanksgiving story with pictures.
  9. What helps create a comforting atmosphere that you’re grateful for?
  10. Post a picture of family members you’re grateful for.

I’ll be posting my responses to these on Instagram and I’d LOVE to see you do it too! Just use the hashtag #everydaygraces (Did you know you can follow hashtags? You can, and I will be following!)

You guys who know me, know that one of the things I LOVE is meaningful questions around the table! Here’s a fun resource I like that you might consider for Thanksgiving dinner! It’s called “Untie Your Story” – questions on cloth you cut apart and tie around the napkins at your table.

Some fun Instagram posts for the day after Halloween…

Gotta love Letterfolk!

Happy Weekending friends!

Soul Food for the Dog Days of Summer

As I read back over this post before hitting “publish”, it seemed decidedly “ordinary” and “unspiritual”. But I was reminded of a good insight I heard, reflecting on the life of David who watched sheep, and ran errands for his brothers before killing Goliath and ruling as king. Opportunity is often disguised in the ordinary. May we be faithful in all the little things, and look for the invitations of God every day!

I’ve been astounded to hear that some kids in the south of the U.S. are already heading back to school this week!


That is just. so. wrong. Let me say that if you lived in Minnesota (as you should), it would be illegal to go inside for more than 15 minutes until after Labor Day.

Not to rub it in, but most this is a picture of most Minnesotans this week.


I feel like it’s taken me awhile to get into the swing of summer entertaining, but this past week I’ve upped my game, reaching out to some neighbors we want to get to know better, and friends we haven’t seen in awhile. I’ve worked for years trying to figure out the easiest go-to meals for when we gather people around our table so I can be truly present.

One of my easiest summer menus for guests is this:

  • Polly’s mother’s Crab dip
  • Flank Steak on the grill marinaded in Lowery’s Teryaki marinade
  • Corn spoon Bread
  • Suzie’s salad with peppers
  • Penny’s Ice cream dessert

The crab dip can be made ahead and heated in microwave. Ice cream dessert is made day before. Most of Corn spoon bread can be mixed ahead (just add Jiffy at last minute and pop in the oven)

Corn Spoon Bread

  • 1 stick butter melted
  • 2 eggs hand beaten in
  • 1 small can whole kernel corn
  • 1 small can creamed corn
  • 1 box Jiffy corn muffin mix (must be Jiffy to work)
  • 1 cup sour cream

Mix together in casserole and bake at 350 for about 45 min – hour. This recipe serves 6, but you can easily double it and put in 9×13 pan.

Here is Suzie’s Salad recipe:

  • Lettuce
  • Red and yellow peppers chopped
  • Green onions chopped
  • Craisins
  • Sugar snap pea cut in 1/2″ pieces

Cook 1 cup of almonds and 1/3 cup sugar in frying pan over medium heat til sugar melts and covers almonds. Cool on wax paper and break apart.

Dressing: 1/4 cup tarragon vinegar, 1/4 cup sugar, 1/4 cup oil

And Penny’s Oreo Ice Cream Dessert

Crust: 1 Pkg (35) oreos crushed (I put in Cuisenart) mixed with 4 TB melted butter. * Reserve 1 cup of crumbs for topping  

Filling: 1/2 gallon ice cream – whatever you want! I did a layer – 2 pints – of coffee ice cream and a layer of 2 pints of chocolate chip ice cream. Spread softened ice cream over crust. Freeze.  

Topping: Melt 3/4 cup butter and 3 squares unsweetened chocolate in a pan on the stove. Gradually stir in 4 well-beaten egg yolks, and 2 1/4 cups powdered sugar, and 2 ts. vanilla. Cook thoroughly and cool. Beat til smooth.   Beat 4 egg whites til stiff peaks form and fold into cooled mixture.

Spread over ice cream and sprinkle with remaining oreo crumbs. Pop back in the freezer.

In past posts, I’ve written about the spiritual practice of the Examen which I really like. This week I found an app created by Fuller Seminary . They offer guided a Examen for different focuses that uses video. You can close your eyes and just listen to the prompts if you don’t want to watch the video. You might want to check it out, or take 9 minutes and just let the audio below lead you through the practice.

Some favorites from Instagram this week:


That’s it for now. Happy weekending!

Soul Food Books and a Recipe

Happy Friday! Hope you are savoring summer – getting outside, grilling good stuff, biking, swimming, doing chalk drawings with your kids…whatever! I am just so content and grateful to be back at home in Minnesota for this season. It’s my favorite!

Here’s the pile of books I’ve been reading (or re-reading). As you can see, there’s quite a variety. The last time I read The Hiding Place I was in college! It, and Kisses from Katie (not pictured) are wonderfully uplifting reads. We need more redemptive stories like them!

I hesitate to endorse books, because everyone’s taste is so different, but the book I read that was probably the most engaging is not on this pile because I got it on kindle. I thought Maybe You Should Talk to Someone was fascinating and well-written!*

I posted this with some thoughts about community on Instagram today, but I thought I’d share the recipe here.

Quay’s Mexican Appetizer


  • 8 oz. cream cheese softened and spread in pie plate
  • Pineapple salsa
  • Shredded Mexican cheese mix (Cheddar/Monterey Jack)
  • Chopped green onions
  • Can add chopped black olives if you want.

Microwave for 1 minute (or so) and serve immediately with Tostitos bite-sized tortilla chips.

Happy 4th of July!

*Contains some language that may be offensive.

Soul Food Friday

Happy Friday Friends! Hope it’s been a good week for you! Husband John has been out of town so it’s been quiet around here. As an extrovert I’ve been striking up conversations with any stranger I meet. If you have a cute dog, or a baby, or basically are breathing and glance my way, watch out! Hope you enjoy the soul food buffet this weekend.

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