I read somewhere this week that we’re past the initial phase of this pandemic when adrenaline was giving us energy. Now we’re just weary, realizing we’re going to need to slog along, waiting for a return to “normal” for longer than we hoped.


One of the things my spiritual director has encouraged me to reflect on is what God accomplished in times of waiting in the Bible.


For example, when Mary and Martha send for Jesus to come heal Lazarus, it says:

Now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus. So when he heard that Lazarus was sick, he stayed where he was two more days, 

john 11:5-6

Later Jesus says to the disciples:

“Lazarus is dead, and for your sake I am glad I was not there…

john 11:14-15

Jesus makes some clear statements about why (so that God would be glorified and they would believe), but what else might He have wanted to accomplish by dilly-dallying and allowing Lazarus to die? Why make Mary and Martha wait?

I hate to admit it, but waiting makes me desperate, and passionate and I can interact with Jesus a little like this…


Maybe that’s another reason why He allows me to be in situations where I have to wait. My relationship with Him is intensified. It’s raw and real, and draws me closer to Him.

If you’ve been through a hard time with someone –

  • waiting to get news with a family member in the E.R.
  • waiting with a friend to talk to police after being the victim of a crime
  • waiting with your family for your unemployment check to come
  • waiting with your spouse to get pregnant
  • waiting with colleagues to find out if the client wants to hire you

– you get to know your companions on a whole different level right?

Vulnerability leads to greater intimacy. And waiting makes us vulnerable.

I’ll be honest. I like greater intimacy with Jesus, but I sure don’t like what it takes to get me there! Anyway…enough serious stuff.

Whether you’re waiting for the pandemic to be over, or waiting for something else, I hope some of these posts from Instagram make you smile. You can find me, or any of these accounts here.

My Therapist Says

Another thing I’m trying to do while waiting is find things to celebrate!

Cinco de Mayo is coming up Tuesday and I’m going to try these shrimp tacos from pinchofyum.com that Maggie and Katy have been raving about. They’ve assured me liberal substitutions are permitted!


What’s keeping your spirits up during these days of waiting? What are you learning?