Fridays are for sharing some of the resources I’ve come across that I think might encourage you. Happy weekending!

I have so many amazing friends who are single. Never married, divorced, widowed… Some have full, meaningful lives and vibrant community. Others feel stuck in waiting mode, longing for something different.

The two things I hear the most often from my friends who are single are:

  1. Sermons major too much on illustrations using couples or families, and not enough on singles.
  2. People who are single long to be included in groups and social gatherings with couples and families. They don’t like to be put in a box with all other singles.

A few years ago, my lovely and talented friend Claire Wyatt answered 5 Questions about Singleness for me on a blog post. You can check it out here.

North Point Community Church recently started a sermon series called, Love, Dates, and Heartbreaks. You can check it out here.

I passed this, from Bianca Althoff, along to some of my single friends:

Loneliness is not just a phenomena for singles. Maybe you need this reminder today.

Some favorites from Instagram:

Never doubt that single or married, divorced or widowed, you are fearfully and wonderfully made. You have unique gifts and are called not to find someone, but to be becoming someone who looks more like Jesus.