What’s Next Papa? part 2


Monday I posted about looking back over the past year, and looking around at where we are now. But what about our “What’s next Papa?” from Romans 8:15?

Often we set goals or make resolutions at this time of year which is great, but in addition, three years ago, I started choosing “One Word” for the coming year.

One Word” is a lens through which we may view the coming year. It’s both inspirational and aspirational.

If you’re interested in choosing One Word, here are some questions that may help you as you reflect and pray about what yours might be:

  • What character quality do you think God wants to nurture in you?
  • What does your soul long for and what do you need?
  • What challenges are you aware you’ll face in 2016 and how might they inform the word God might have you choose?

Regardless whether you choose “One Word” for your 2016 or not, there is a word in Romans 8:15 that I hope will encourage you in the new year.


 “Papa” – do you realize all that is behind that one word?

Adoption was common among the Greeks and Romans, who granted the adopted son all the privileges of a natural son, including inheritance rights.

When we say yes to Jesus’ offer of forgiveness we are adopted as His children and inherit Eternal life starting right now.

I know some people don’t have a great relationship with their earthly father and that can hinder their ability to turn to their heavenly father, but God is our true Papa.

The Papa we’re asking to guide us, the Papa we’re entrusting with our 2016, is our

Wonderful Counselor

Mighty God

Prince of Peace

Everlasting Father…

The Papa we’re looking to in 2016 is the One who says we’re

Fearfully and wonderfully made 


His workmanship 




Rejoiced over with singing

When my husband, John was about 6 years old, he and his three younger brothers were playing in the backyard where a posthole had been dug. The posthole digger had accidentally been left pointy end up in the hole. (You have an idea where this is going, right?)

Yep, John accidentally jumped into the hole and onto the posthole digger, cutting his foot badly. As John cried, and the blood flowed and his brothers freaked, what mattered wasn’t that his brothers yelled, “It’s ok John, we’ll go get Daddy!”

Through his waling, it didn’t matter that John heard the nurse say, “It’s ok the Dr. will be here in a minute and we’ll get you fixed up.”

When the doctor walked into the examining room it didn’t matter that he said, “Don’t cry. It will only be a few stitches and you’ll have a nice scar to brag about.”

What mattered to John was that his dad took off his own shirt, wrapped John’s foot, took him to the ER, held his face firmly in his hands and said, “Daddy’s right here. Don’t be afraid. Daddy’s here. Just look in my eyes while the Dr. stitches.”

As we go into 2016, as we ask, “What’s next, Papa?” That’s what matters – our heavenly father is with us. He’s holding us, and we can trust Him.


  1. marianne

    Great reminder Laura! Happy New Year to you.

    • Laura Crosby

      Happy New Year to you too! Glad we’re on the journey together!

  2. Kaaren Oldfield

    Hi Laura,
    Just had my physical today at Northwestern in the city. Thought daughter Lauren and I could meet for a quick lunch but she just got pulled into another conference call at her job. So here I am waiting for my pizza at Gino’s before I drive home. So glad to have time to enjoy your wonderful writing. I feel like you are my personal counselor. Your words are so wise and they bring peace to me and I’m sure many others. I remember almost 30 years ago when Lauren was born here. I had the most wondeful Irish labor nurse who helped me through it! And Papa, what a great word. You are special Laura, and I am keeping you and your beautiful family in my prayers as I know many others are.
    Thanks for all you do to help so many. You’re a great big sister!

    • Laura Crosby

      Kaaren, thank you for your kind words and encouragement!! I’m so thankful God is using the blog for His purposes. Press on, friend!

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