What Katy, the Samaritan Woman, & We, Have in Common

Dear Precious Katy,

Today you start your new job – a big, important change-the-world job, and we’re so proud of you!

I know your kindness and competence will win the day, but I also know that as you carefully choose your professional outfit this morning, the “hyper-responsible you” will be worried.

You know there will be days when you mess up, or there’s a misunderstanding, or you have to say hard words, or ask forgiveness in your job, just like in all of life.

And you may feel like you did when you were 5 years old and wrote this sign, taping it to your bedroom door.

“Do not come in!  P.S. I will be under the covers.”

I think what you meant (what all of us often mean) is:

I’m hiding, but I really want to be found.  I want you to find me and love me no matter what.

I want it to make a difference to you that I’m here.

There’s a part of all of us that feels that way.  A desire to be known.  Found.  Accepted no matter how badly we mess up.  No matter how “not good enough” we feel.

I’ve been thinking lately that I should hang two more things underneath this note of yours that I framed.

One would be a picture of the Samaritan woman at the well – the woman trying to hide in plain sight, going to the well in the middle of the day so she wouldn’t be shamed by critics.

It struck me recently when I was teaching on this passage…  What is it that she runs back and tells everyone after her encounter with Jesus?

What impacted her the most?

“Come see a man who knew all about the things I did, who knows me inside and out.” (John 4:29 MSG).

He saw her and He still accepted her.  She mattered to Jesus.

No matter your successes or failures He sees you too, and you matter to Him.

The second would  be Psalm 139 written large…

“You have searched me, Lord, and you know me.  You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar.  You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways.”

Just a reminder on this first day…

In those times when you’re torn –  feeling like you want to hide under the covers, but also longing to know you’re still ok…

He knows.  He sees.  But most importantly He loves you, no matter how “not good enough” you may feel some days.

And you are making a difference even when you can’t see it.

Now…”Game on, girlfriend!”





  1. Patty McGeever

    What truth!!! I so often run away but really I want to be found. I want to be able to be accepted and love for who I am. Thanks for this reminder of Jesus’s love for us.
    Oh and GO KATY!!!! You will be amazing.

    • Laura Crosby

      🙂 Thank you so much Patty!!!

  2. Opal

    Beautiful encouragement, not only for your daughter, but for those of us currently feeling exactly the same way – don’t come in. . . thanks for the reminder of how much I’m loved , despite how much I mess up.

  3. Mazinga Mark

    We have all been hiding from so many things yet we long to be found and loved the way we are!…this encouragement reminds me of those moments Jesus has loved me as I take hid from him…..we congratulate you Katy and trust mama’s words will lead you through all huddles ahead of you in the new job…be brave.

    • Laura Crosby

      Mike your comment means the world! YOU have been so strong and courageous!

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