What do you Want Your Title to Be?

Do you have a job title?

Eight years ago I was serving on a church staff and we were having fun trying to come up with creative job titles for each of us.  This was prompted by a series of articles in Fast Company on “Job titles of the Future”.

Some of my favorites were…

Head Monster,

Crayon Evangelist,

Master of Disaster,

Project Meanie,

Princess of Persuasion,

Keeper of the Magic.

And this one really made me smile:

Raging Inexorable Thunder-Lizard Evangelist for Change

(I may actually have met this guy  in Puerto Rico this morning where we’re staying for a meeting)

Anyway, I myself was lobbying for the title, Chief Kingdom Mischief-Maker.

And I know a guy who is both a pastor and a dance instructor.  Pastor Twinkle Toes?

Our most important “title” is Beloved Child of God, but I’ve been thinking…what other titles might God want us to live into?

Simon was anything but solid when Jesus gave him the title Peter, the Rock (Mt. 16:17).  But he grew into it with God’s help.  What are other potential titles?

Executive Cheerleader?

Kingdom Event Planner?

CSO (Chief Serving Officer)?

Last night a bunch of us were talking about a man we admire.  Years ago this guy read in the newspaper about a businessperson who had messed up big time.

He tracked down this infamous messer-upper’s number and called him.  He said, “I’m thinking you probably don’t have many friends right now.  I’d like to be your friend.”

Job title: Friend to the Friendless.  Sounds pretty Jesus-y to me.

What title might you see for yourself right now?  Is there a different title you think God might want to give you to grow into?


  1. Deb Kielslmeier

    I love anything creative – I am hooked on quilting these days, but have done many other things previous to my current obsession. My son-in-law gets a kick out of my constant projects and has given me the title of ‘the crafty pastor’ = my pinterest moniker.

    • lauracrosby

      I want to see your quilts! And I think another title for you would be Sacred Story-teller! You are so good at recreating the stories of Jesus!

  2. Betty Horgen

    I’m Grammie – and I LOVE that title. I earned it. Having had four children myself I assumed I’d one day become a grandmother. There’s nothing quite like having the precious little ones come running towards you with squeals of delight when they see you and jump up into your arms as though you’re the best part of their day. The hugs, the kisses, the “let me show you, Grammie” can’t begin to compare to anything else that moves a heart like this.
    Except for Jesus’s love for us. We too can run into His embracing arms knowing He will lift us up – just waiting to hear our stories.
    He fully delights in us – what security that gives me. . . Child of God … Another good title I like being.

    • lauracrosby

      This brings tears to my eyes! Thank you so much for sharing. What a beautiful picture you give your grandchildren of what God’s love looks like – you so beautifully model the delight of Jesus!

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