Two Ways to Lean Into Your One Word

My friend Nancy has like the most awesome, toned arms of anyone I know.  And she’s my age which, let’s just say isn’t twenty-something.  When she is on stage sometimes it’s hard to concentrate on what she’s saying because I’m wondering what I’d have to do to get those well-sculpted arms in place of my soft, wobbly ones that cause me to shy away from anything sleeveless.

I know, it sounds a little whacky, but tell me you’ve never coveted a specific body part of someone else!  Anyway, stick with me here.

It’s not magic.  Nancy didn’t drift into arm amazingness. Just like people don’t drift into spiritual maturity.  Just like you and I aren’t going to drift into our One Word for 2015.

Change is a greedy, stubborn varmint.  He requires intention and attention if he’s gonna come through for us with sculpted arms, or growth in character.

I told you about my One Word fail last year, so I’m doing things a little differently this year with my One Word – STRONGER.

Intention – Look through the concordance at the back of your Bible (or use Bible Gateway online) for your word or related words.  I’ve listed a bunch of passages about strength that I want to read and jot down what I can learn from them.  I’ve also tried to think of stories of strength in the Bible that I will reflect on for insights.

Attention – Look around you as you go through your day.  I’m trying to pay attention to times when I see strength in others and opportunities I have to be stronger.  Jot down insights about your word that you notice in your journal.

How about you?  Anyone have other ideas of ways to lean into our One Word? Blessed are those whose strength is in



  1. Opal Lynch

    Hi Laura, I stumbled on
    your blog a couple years ago and just want to say how much I have learnt about
    myself from reading your posts. I appreciate your candor, and just love how you
    are able to laugh at yourself. My word last year was AWARE and I think I
    did pretty good. My word this year is JOY, because I became AWARE that my
    joy needed some attention. My scripture for the year is – The Joy of the
    Lord is My Strength. Every blessing to you from warm island in the

    • Laura

      I’m so glad you stumbled in and are joining us in choosing One Word again Opal! Enjoy the warmth – I’m jealous!

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