Two Reasons You Need a Snow Day

This is what we, in Minneapolis woke up to this morning.


If you’re reading this in some exotic place like Bora Bora sitting by a palm tree on the beach and sipping drinks with little umbrellas, well,…we’re sooooooo happy for you.

In Minnesota schools statewide are closed, and activities cancelled.  It’s not a “snow day”, but a “if-you-go-outside-for-even-a-nano-second-your-lips-will-freeze-together-permanently-and-your-eyelashes-will-break-off-day”.  Last night the forecaster said, “We’ve moved from ‘stupid cold’ to ‘dangerous cold.'”

People (especially those without kids!) are relishing the idea of having to stay home and do nothing but curl up with cocoa and a good book…the treat of being forced to rest from normal activity.

On days like these, John and I like to look at each other, and say “You know what we have to do today??”  Then we grin and say, “Absolutely nothing!

I remember hearing someone say once that God wants to give us a “snow day” every week with Sabbath.  Why do we resist?  Why do we seem so addicted to “doing”… to being recognized for what we accomplish?  Is it born out of a fear that being God’s beloved child isn’t enough?

I love what Mark Buchanan writes in The Rest of God

“…God, knowing both our need and our folly, took the lead.  He set the example.  Like a parent who coaxes a cranky toddler to lie down for an afternoon nap by lying down beside her, God woos us into rest by resting.”

“For in six days the Lord the heavens and the earth and the sea, and all that is in them, but He rested on the 7th day.  Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.”

Two reasons we need snow days and Sabbath:

1.  To remind us that we’re not God and we need Him.  The world won’t stop spinning if you’re unplugged.  God’s got the God thing covered.

2.  To remind us we’re not defined by our roles, or titles, or responsibilities. We are beloved children of God and that’s enough.

Observing Sabbath, I also notice I’m able to be more fully present.  My Sabbath heart is better able to pay attention to God and others.

Mark Buchanan writes that when we don’t Sabbath we’re in danger of letting ourselves be “consumed by the things that feed the ego but starve the soul.

So, if you’re “shut down” today, take time to be still and be present to God, delighting in the rest He’s provided.  Let your soul be fed.

And if you’re in a “normal” place at work today, maybe take a mini-sabbath right now for a couple of minutes.  Just breathe in God’s goodness and acknowledge He’s got this day covered.

Are you intentional about observing a Sabbath?  What does it look like for you?


1 Comment

  1. ccwyatt

    Amazing wisdom, as usual. Loved this.

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