Three Minutes of Wonder

When I saw this it blew me away.

Who knew?  How did God create that tiny creature and teach him to do...that???

Last night John and I were eating dinner on the patio and he said “Isn’t it cool the way the sunlight is hitting the leaves of that tree?”  Not a typical remark from him, but it was just another reminder of how we usually rush by the tiny sparkling bits of God-wonder revealed even right in front of us.  Not hidden underground even.

Today is alive, twirling like a little girl in her glittery  candy pink dress-up gown and tiara, just waiting for us to notice.

May you have a weekend of noticing and hearing the holy whisper of God in creation say, “Here I am.”

What of God’s creation are you “wondering” at this weekend?


  1. Jan

    On a ledge outside our screened porch is a robin’s nest with three babies. For the past week we’ve been obsessed with their progress, taking multiple pictures like parents with a newborn. They are toddlers now and can get pretty rambunctious so mommy robin calms them down with robinspeak, then gently settles over them and spreads her wings–just as God does with us.

    • lauracrosby

      I can’t wait to see the pictures! I love the image!
      Someone once sent me an encouraging note with this verse:
      “Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings.” Ps.63:7
      And I always think of Psalm 139:5 “You hem me in behind and before” when I see the momma geese tucking the grasses in around their babies.:)

  2. Stephanie Spencer

    Wow, what a great share, Laura! It brings new life to the Proverbs about hardworking ants, doesn’t it?

    I am continually amazed at God’s creation. Have you ever seen the project powers of 10? It blows my mind to think of the vastness of the universe and the intricacies of a leaf at the same time. God is in both the big and the small!

    • lauracrosby

      I haven’t! Thanks so much for sharing the link!

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