The Truest Thing I’m Learning about Peace, part 2

Some things are just tough.

Like figuring out why people are fascinated with Snooki, or how to fold fitted sheets, or what makes some people able to eat 316 Trader Joe’s dark chocolate covered almonds with sea salt and not gain a pound.

Or, you know…how to achieve peace between everyone everywhere.

When it comes to the Middle East I keep wanting to say, “Lord I’m a bear of Very Little Brain” like Winnie the Pooh.

I have a long way to go, but God is patient and often a theme gradually emerges.  Yesterday I wrote

The truest thing I’m learning about peace is that keeping people at a distance makes it easy to demonize them.

But coming close topples the walls of misunderstanding.

This morning God reinforced this as I re-read the story of when God comes close to Hagar.

Sarah, wife of Abraham, has mistreated Hagar, the surrogate “wife” who runs away into the desert, heading back to Egypt (does that sound like a reality TV show, or what?)

Abraham, Sarah, and Hagar each have a story.  Each are seen and loved by God. But they have trouble seeing and loving each other.

Here’s what spoke to me.  In the desert and in her pain, God meets Hagar and models something I’m thinking I can learn from (even with my little bear brain).

Even though Abraham and Sarah only call Hagar “servant”, God calls her by name.

He sees her!  (16:13)

And He asks her two questions:

Where have you come from?


Where are you going?

Here in the Middle East everyone has a story of injustices that have happened in the past and everyone is trying to hold on to their hopes for a future.

As we try to draw close and understand those who are different from us, whether it’s Israeli’s and Palestinians or Republicans and Democrats, gay and straight, I wonder if learning someone’s name, looking them in the eye and asking them questions like these is a place to start…

Who might you ask today:  Where have you come from?  Where do you want to go?



  1. Becky Danielson

    Calling someone by name begins a relationship…then hopefully a dialog. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences while in the Middle East Laura.

  2. Molly Lounsberry Dykstra

    Such a good way to think of all my daily interactions… Even as my kids or husband come in the door… What are you coming from? Seeking knowing more than being known… Thanks for this inspiration.

    • lauracrosby

      I love thinking of this on a family level Molly! Thanks!

  3. Christi

    It’s true!

  4. September Vaudrey

    Beautifully expressed and full of wisdom. When we never meet the “other,” we can make them into a monster in our minds. And our fear can take root and grow. When we see them cooking dinner, loving their children, working the land, worshipping, praying, they become real people rather than monsters.

    • lauracrosby

      Thanks September! I wish our paths had crossed in the Middle East! I hear you had an impactful trip too!

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