A Story to Rescue Your Monday from Despair

We’re in the middle of a pandemic, political division, racism, unemployment challenges, questions about what’s going to happen with our kids when school starts, and it’s Monday morning.

You may have had a stellar weekend picnicking in the sun, biking, going to “the lake”, but now it’s Monday in all its Mondayness.  And the week stretches out in front of you like a flat road across the barren pan-handle of Oklahoma.

Before you buckle down for multiple Zoom calls, or start washing sandy clothes from the weekend, read on.  It may make you feel better about your day.

Awhile ago I was listening to the radio and a woman called in with an experience that was, um…unbelievable. Except that it really happened.

The caller had been on a road trip with her friend. They stopped to get gas and go to the bathroom. The woman went into the stall, and sat down.  She put her keys on her lap, at which point the keys slid into the toilet.

The toilet was the auto-flush kind so she was afraid to stand up for fear her keys would be washed down the toilet.  

Panicky, she was able to reach her cell phone and call her friend who was outside filling the car with gas.

The friend came into the bathroom, and although she was a large woman, she squeezed under the stall door.

She knelt and (unbelievably) reached under her friend, into the toilet for the keys.  I know, I know…so many questions!  

(At this point I could spiritualize this and quote Proverbs 18:24 “One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is friend who sticks closer than a brother.”, but really?)

As I was listening to the story, I thought, “How could this get any worse?!”

It did.

The radio caller, on the toilet, had a gag reflex to the whole situation at that point, and threw up on her friend’s head as she kneeled in front of her trying to rescue the keys!  (Aren’t you glad I haven’t provided “art” here?)

Attitude is all in our perspective, right?

I share this because it’s Monday, and maybe we can all start the week thanking God that no one has thrown up on our head.  Yet.

And may we all have friends as devoted as this caller’s.

What helps you keep life in perspective? When has a friend rescued you and made your day?


  1. Laura

    Oh my! This certainly does put things in perspective. His mercies really are new every morning. Thank you Laura for sharing this story and a smile.

  2. Jan Buscher

    Well, that is vastly different than how I started my Monday. I am grateful that no one has thrown up on any part of me today, I am encouraged also by the following – a clipping from my bulletin board at my former office. A great start to my new week of job hunting: “May today be all that you need it to be today. May the peace of God and the freshness of the Holy Spirit rest in your thoughts, rule in your dreams tonight and conquer all your fears. May God manifest himself today in ways that you have never experienced. May your joys be fulfilled, your dreams be closer and your prayers be answered. I pray for peace, health, happiness and true and undying love for God.” I don’t know the reference or who deserves the credit for this prayer, but it is a favorite.

    • Laura Crosby

      Great prayer!

  3. Dianne Dannhaus

    I feel much better now 🙂

  4. Christina Riley

    Yes, I just went through one of those Mondays. My mother with dementia called her lawyer saying we were neglecting her since we had not come to see her (she lives in an assisted living facility that is on lock down and no one is allowed in and we call her every day), they lawyer called me to check on things and verify we were taking care of her, I choked on one of my evening vitamins which caused me to threw up as I ran to the bathroom and then slipped on the floor (yes on you know what) hitting my head hard on the wall and falling into you know what, then getting a call from my mom saying that I make her life miserable and I am the one creating her misery and skipping dinner because I had no energy and a head ache to actually heat something up. Yep it’s been one of those days. So despite being too tired to even send up a prayer, it is nice to know God knows my heart, my needs and is still there for me. Today the sun is up. The fur of my golden retriever feels nice between my toes as I lay in bed. And even between the weeds, my flowers are still blooming. I’m reminded to find the little things to find joy in. Let God take care of the big things. I’m happy it’s Tuesday and determined for it to be a Terrific Tuesday.

    • Laura Crosby

      Oh Christina! What a day!! I grieve with you over the loss of your mom as you once knew her. And all that on top of the other stresses of this season.

      I am praying for you now, thankful too that the Holy Spirit intercedes for us with groans even when we don’t have words. God sees you and knows your heart.

      Thank you for sharing. You are not alone and it will encourage others to read your words!

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