That Person

I’ve thought a lot about this.

If I ever become an actress (Don’t laugh.  It could happen!), and I have a scene where I have to cry on cue, no sweat.  I’ve got this one covered.  Not because I’m particularly weepy (I’m really not at all, you know).  But because all I’ll have to do is think of that person.”

You know.  “That person”.

I’m betting you have one too.  The person who won’t forgive you.

Or the one you thought loved you, but then betrayed, or rejected, or ignored, or walked away from you.  Or the one who pronounced a judgment that you’ve let define you.

Or the child you love who is making destructive choices, far from Jesus and you can’t control them or fix it and your heart is breaking.

And all it takes is for you to hear a certain song that brings back memories, or drive by a place where you used to feel welcome, or to accidentally see them.  Or not at all.

Broken, broken, broken.

If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.  Romans 12:18

You’ve tried the Elmer’s glue of apologies, and prayer, and grace to mend things but they’re still unmoved.  Unresponsive.  They still don’t like you.  Or they don’t like Jesus.  Or they don’t like either of you.

Here’s my advice.  To myself.  And you if you want to try it.  A spiritual practice if you will.

Give up.  Give them up.  Give yourself up.

Hand them over.

Let go.

And breathe.

Breathe in.  “Abba Father.”

Breathe out.  “Do what only You can do…”

Heal.  Restore.  Illumine.  Woo.  Correct.

Give up.  Over and over again.

Who’s “that person” for you?  Who do you need to hand over?


  1. Sandy

    Thank you, Laura. I want you to know how thankful I am for your blog. This one especially speaks to my heart. Please allow God to continue to speak through you – our numbers may be small but you touch our hearts and encourage us. Thank you and may He encourage you and bring you joy in the process.

    • lauracrosby

      Thanks so much for your kind encouragement Sandy!

  2. Stephanie Spencer

    Great post, Laura! I think way too many Christians ignore this area, even though it is talked about a lot in the Bible. It is very much an open-handed exercise to not carry a grudge. Have you seen the series “At the Lord’s Table” going on right now on Preston Yancey’s blog? This reminded me of a post I saw their yesterday about unreconciled hurts and participating in the Lord’s Supper.

    I love the idea of praying a breath prayer to let go and lift up a conflict situation.

    • lauracrosby

      Thanks Stephanie – great picture of Communion/church! We’re all such a muddling mess dependent on grace and more grace aren’t we?

  3. Katie

    It’s like you’re in my head on this one, Laura…
    I was just thinking today about that person… and how I need to give it up.
    Thank you for these words.

    • lauracrosby

      Thanks Katie. So thankful when God uses this little platform. I loved seeing your beautiful blog too!

  4. Susan Johansen

    I hear and see and feel your heart on this, Laura! Even when the ending is not ok, and everything is not turning out well. Even so, God promises Himself, walking alongside of us…even when…..
    “What is impossible for you (Susan) is EASY for Me (Jesus)”. Do you remember me sharing these words with you on our wonderful long November walk? Your blog today and the giving up was another beautiful and peace giving confirmation!! Love you!!

  5. Lalaine

    That’s a knowing answer to a dififlcut question

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