Anyone else ever look at others, compare, and come up short in your estimation of yourself?
Like, daily?
Yeah, me too.
The other night just before I went to bed I read a post from one of my favorite instagram accounts. It was beautiful, insightful, and everything I wish I had said. That didn’t bother me. It inspired me.
What triggered me was an enthusiastic comment on the post by another talented person I know. I felt like I was back in Middle School and these women were at the “in” kids table, while I was at the loser table.
They’ve done nothing wrong. These are gifted women affirming one another, but some days it feels like all the cool kids are all saying to each other:
“Oh you’re the best!”
“No YOU’RE the best!”
“No, really YOU’RE the best!”
“Ok, well we’re all the best and isn’t it great to be us?“
And meanwhile, a million beautiful, beloved, unsung, made-in-the-image of God women like you are adding value, and joy, and celebration, and creativity, and love to the world.
Maybe that specific example isn’t yours, but there’s another area of life where you are tempted to compare and feel “less than”. Usually it’s in an area where you’re trying to make a difference – parenting, career, leadership, creativity…
Satan loves to whisper in your ear, “The reason no one is noticing you is because you’re not good enough. Not good enough.”
But God asks us the most important question that we need to answer when we’re feeling discouraged or afraid.
It’s the one He asked Adam in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:11).
It’s the one my small group reminds each other of when we’re down on ourselves:
“Who told you that…?”
Who told you that you’re not good enough? God, or someone else who’s not God?
We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
2 Cor, 10:5
A friend of mine suggests two color journaling. You write how you’re feeling in one color down one side of the page, and write a corresponding truth in a different color down the other side of the page.

It’s a good exercise to help adjust your perspective, but it’s still hard for it to truly make a difference.
It’s hard to move the truth from our head to our heart.
Maybe a second question to ask is: “How much am I filling my mind with the words of others and how much am I filling my mind with God’s Words?”
The words of the Creator of the universe say, “You are beautifully and wonderfully made. You have unique gifts and talents. You are chosen to contribute in a way that no one else can, even if no one other than Me says, ‘You’re the best!'”
This isn’t a formula. It’s not a one and done. We feel what we feel! But maybe this is a start.
What’s the lie Satan whispers to you most often? What’s the truth God would speak over you?
You are beloved and He rejoices over you with singing!
What’s the area where you’re most prone to compare and be discouraged?