Tag: steven furtick

Soul Food for Weeks When the World Seems to be Spinning Out of Control

As I sit in Starbucks writing this, the world is still rotating on its axis, but the spin feels more like an unpredictable cyclone – whirling debris that keeps changing direction and every time we think it’s going to run out of energy it amps up again.

You don’t need me to name all the things. There’s the global suffering and division we are horrified at and want to help alleviate. But you also have your own personal hard stuff that is unique to you, and….just…life. We’re tempted to say “Oh…first world problems.” and that’s true, but your hard is hard too.

How much do we camp in the pain – our own or others’? How do we pray? How do we keep perspective? Can we be thankful, but also honest about the loss we don’t understand?

On Fridays I often try to offer some resources I’ve found that have been helpful or encouraging to me. I hope you’ll find some nugget here to equip or refresh you.

As we grapple with death and destruction around the world and pray, I found these two suggestions from Danielle Macauley and Katie Racine really helpful. Prayer isn’t the only thing we can do, but it’s one thing.

I listen to podcasts at 1.5 speed, but I went back and listened a second time to this one to take notes!

Ohmygosh! This is such a great sermon, especially if you struggle with comparison (and who doesn’t?)

Are you single, or have single friends you love? You will resonate with this podcast!

I LOVE to-do lists, but yes, they can get overwhelming. If you read this simple post linked below, be sure to read the comments too because there are some great additional ideas there!

I’m always nervous when I recommend books, because everyone has such different taste. It’s great when you find someone you can trust to consistently endorse reads you will like. Holly Furtick is one of those people for me.

One Two Three is a terrific book with fascinating, quirky characters who suck you into their world.

One Two Three

Lastly, as fall approaches, a recipe for all the zucchini people will hopefully be giving you from their garden. It’s The World’s BEST Zucchini Bread Recipe! (note: I did NOT say the “healthiest” :))

Makes 2 loaves

  • 2 cups sugar
  • 3 cups flour
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 1 tsp. baking soda
  • 1 tsp each – cinnamon, nutmeg, ground cloves
  • 1/4 tsp. baking powder
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 cup oil
  • 3 tsp. vanilla
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 2 cups shredded zucchini (if large, remove seeds first)

Grease 2 8″ or 9″ loaf pans.

Mix eggs, oil, milk, and vanilla

Blend in dry ingredients, then stir in zucchini.

Bake about 45-50 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean. Cool 10 minutes in pan, then remove.

That’s it for me! I’d love to hear from you in the comments! What are your “finds”, insights, or things you’re thankful for this week?

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A Blog, a Bomb, and a Book

As I write this we’re on vacation in my happiest place.  A place of fresh cut grass and warm breezes and colorful flowers and sand-between-my-toes that we’ve been blessed to enjoy for years thanks to some hospitable and gracious friends.

Anyway, vacation is a great time for me to catch up on podcasts and reading along with the fun of activity with great friends.  It’s Spirit Stretch Friday so I thought I’d share a few resources I’ve enjoyed this week.  Actually, maybe “enjoyed” isn’t entirely accurate.  In some cases “convicted” might be more accurate.  As I look at them they’re all kind of about coming up short. Maybe you’ll be able to relate.

The first is a fantastic blog post from Steven Furtick.  If you struggle with insecurity and doubts about yourself (and I think if you’re breathing you probably do), take a look at this and finish the devil’s sermons.

Along those same lines, Andy Stanley preached a great sermon titled, The Comparison Trap.  He talks about the land of “er” and “est” where when we compare and don’t measure up we either hate the other person or hate ourselves.  Toward the end he asked a question that shook me to my core (That was the “bomb” of the post title.  More on that later).  Take a listen.

The last resource is a book I’ve been reading called Flunking Sainthood (A year of Breaking the Sabbath, Forgetting to Pray, and Still Loving my Neighbor).  This is a memoir by Jana Riess who writes about her year-long experiment of trying twelve spiritual practices – one a month.  I’m still in the middle of this and am not sure what I think about it as a whole, but Riess writes with delightful humor and some interesting insights.  While experimenting with Lectio Divina she reads all of the book of Mark all month because she doesn’t want to turn “Eat This Book  [Eugene Peterson’s book on Bible reading] into Eat This, Not That, picking and choosing only the loveliest passages that fit with my existing understanding of faith.”

Hope you find some good reminder from God in one of these and have a delightful weekend!

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