The week between Christmas and New Year has always been a good time for reflection. So I’ve been thinking about my “One Word” for 2013 – Fearless.
Not that I saw myself as fearless, but I believed God wanted to grow me in that direction. It didn’t feel like it was “mine”. It was an aspirational word. Kind of like “thin” will be an aspirational word my whole life.
There was the acknowledgement that “Fear not.” is the most common command in the Bible and that other command, “Follow me.” which usually involves risk and the F word, at least in my life.
Living with this “One Word” in 2013 helped me to pay attention. Henry James, a novelist, writes “Try to be one of the people on whom nothing is lost.” This was my goal.
Not that it’s been a smooth ride. I had a panic attack for the first time in my life. And that’s not “me”. At least that’s how my pride responds.
But I also took risks, and went public with a big goal that I felt was beyond my ability.
I think the biggest “fearless” lesson I learned came while I was running. And running. And, you know… trying not to die. Continue reading