Tag: spiritual warfare

3 Crucial Commitments for a Strong Marriage, Part 3

This week we’ve been looking at different commitments to strengthen our marriages. The last one ties into the story I shared on Monday about navigating carefully. Have you ever been driving cross-country and find yourself fighting fatigue, nodding off and jerking back to alertness, clutching the wheel more tightly? We can make commitments to nurture and protect, but what if we still find ourselves drifting towards the wrong lane?

3. Commitment to Course Correct

Sometimes we make allowances for a season when there are unique circumstances, but it’s easy to let temporary choices become habits that get us off course.

There may be a season when you have to travel a lot for work and you find yourself drifting apart from your spouse. At what point are you accommodating your career over your marriage and need to course correct?

You’re individuals and you may have separate interests, that involve relationships outside your marriage, but if the majority of time you spend on hobbies and social activities doesn’t include your spouse, you may need to course correct.

There may be a time when you’re stretched thin or have babies with crazy schedules and sleep becomes a priority over worshipping together on Sunday, but when does it become a habit rather than an exception and you need to course correct?

There may be time when you feel like you need to care for yourself, but it’s important to discern when self-centeredness becomes the norm over serving your spouse, and you need to course-correct.

There have been a couple of times in our marriage when we felt we needed the help of a counselor. Not because there was anything dramatic going on, but to do just a little course correction. We’ve told our married kids that if they ever want counseling and cost is a deterrent, we’ll pay.

What if you talked to your spouse tonight and had the courage to ask, “How are we doing? Are there areas where we’re getting a little off-course and need to make little corrections?” When we talk about potential dangers, when we bring them into the light, we start to drain them of their power.

Like I’ve written before, we’ve become more acutely aware of the spiritual battle that is going on. It’s so easy to let little stuff slide, but Peter reminds us:

Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. 1 Peter 5:8

Maybe take a minute to pray for your marriage and the marriages of those close to you right now?











Satan and Stuff I Don’t want to Think About, part 1

Confession: There are a couple of things I don’t give a lot of thought to.

SATAN is one of them.

I admit, I don’t expect Satan to really care about messing with little ol’ me, but C.S. Lewis points out that this is a mistake.

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One Secret For Everyday Battles

John has a yearly board meeting in the U.K., so we tend to take a couple of extra days when we can, to see something new. This year we packed a lot into two days.

My husband is much more into history than I am, so when he got excited that we were going to be near a battlefield outside Hastings I said “Woohoo!” without much true enthusiasm.



Turns out the Battle of Hastings in 1066 is a pretty big deal and was a fascinating visit with an audio guide that revealed several leadership, marriage, and faith lessons I’ve been thinking about ever since we left.

The bottom line in this battle is that Harold, new king of England (by questionable means), was defending Great Britain against William the Conqueror from Normandy (his name kind of gives away the story), who wanted to be boss of the island too.

At one point in the battle, William’s French soldiers mistakenly got word that he had been killed. They lost heart and started to retreat with the British soldiers hot on their heals.

William got wind of this and galloped his horse over to that part of the battle. He lifted his helmet/mask thingy, revealing his face and yelled something like, “I’m alive! Don’t lose heart! Victory is in front of you, only death behind!”


The men, energized, inspired, and encouraged, turned around and eventually they won the battle.

I just keep picturing this leader, lifting his mask so his troops can look him in the eye and know that all is not lost.

I think of God, lifting His mask and showing us His face in Jesus.

I think of all the times that the battle seems too much…

We’re discouraged, tired, overwhelmed, lonely. We feel beaten up.

We forget who we are and whose we are.

But every time we open the Bible, God lifts His mask again. This is the secret to winning our daily skirmishes. We see Jesus and we receive encouragement, inspiration and the assurance that He has the battle in hand.

This is what the Lord says to you_ ‘Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s.

Holy Drones

One of my closest friends who, like me, is sure she would make a great CIA operative, is paranoid about drones. She is suspicious that foreign governments are spying on her. So for her birthday last week John and I decided to have a little fun.

We have a friend who just happens to have a drone and lives two blocks away from the birthday girl.  So we deployed the drone while our friends were outside playing a birthday game of basketball (you know…like you do when you’re a 56 year old woman…).IMG_1532



Anyway, this is a long way around to saying, it got me to thinking about all the holy “drones” that we’re oblivious to. Not drones in a sneaky spyish way, but the unseen forces of God that fight for us.

I was reminded of this too back in July.

One day, as my brother David was in the hospital hovering between life and Life, our friend, Lee, who was miraculously healed of Pancreatic cancer, sat by David’s bedside alone.

Afterwards, Lee journaled about her experience and graciously shared the thoughts she had written about her time with David. Continue reading

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