Tag: spiritual journey

2 Questions and Next Steps for Your Spiritual Journey

I am a map person. First of all because I have to be. I have a pretty good sense of direction, but there was the time I was driving from Galena, ILLINOIS to Chicago, ILLINOIS, and I ended up in Janesville, WISCONSIN, so there’s that.

But also I’m a map person because I want a sense of where I am and what’s around me and where I might be going.IMG_9873

Also, some of us in our family (I’m not going to name names) are known for getting lost – a tad disoriented, if you will.  One daughter in particular has been know to have us “Talk her in”, keeping us on the phone like Mission Control. Thus, the map obsession.

If someone calls you and says, “I’m lost, can you help me?” what’s the first question you ask?


In other words, “what are the landmarks you see around you?”  The same is true for our spiritual trek.

As Jesus people our “destination” is wherever we are becoming most like Him.  

Every once in awhile I think it’s good for us to ask ourselves a few questions like:

1.  Where am I now?

There are as many “YOU ARE HERE’s” as there are individuals. You’re at a road block, or reorienting, or at a rest stop, or charging down a black diamond trail. What are the “landmarks” around you that give you clues – like your responsibilities, circumstances, and opportunities? The landmarks for a single career person and a young mom of toddlers are going to look very different.

2. What is it that’s going to help me live more like Jesus where I am, or get me where I need to go with Him? 

Is there a relationship, experience, or spiritual practice that would help me become more like Jesus? Is He prompting me to be content where I am and learn from Him, or is He nudging me to move, take a risk, step out?

At our church we take a spiritual inventory each January to look at the journey we’re on and ask these questions. This morning I’m meeting with someone who wants to talk to me about what next steps she might take as a result.

For me, as I looked at where I am, I recognized that I needed to climb a steep trail in the area of honoring God with my money, so I signed up for a Financial Peace class.  John still laughs at my small steps in this area, but he’s also encouraging and supportive.

How I wish we all could sit down together over coffee and help each other in this process of navigating and map questing, asking God together for His guidance! 

If you want to read more on getting your bearings, look here and here.

If you have a question, or an insight might you throw it out to the community in the comments here?  We’re in this together!

By an act of faith, Abraham said yes to God’s call to travel to an unknown place that would become his home. When he left he had no idea where he was going. By an act of faith he lived in the country promised him, lived as a stranger camping in tents. Isaac and Jacob did the same, living under the same promise. Abraham did it by keeping his eye on an unseen city with real, eternal foundations—the City designed and built by God. Hebrews 11:8-10 MSG

The With-God Life

I recorded this conversation in 2002 when Maggie, like Alexander, had had a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad week.

Me, trying to comfort Maggie: Remember sweetie, the Bible says, “The Lord is near to the broken-hearted and saves those crushed in spirit.”

Maggie: Mom, I’ve just had a bad week, I haven’t been trampled by a horse!

Me: Ok, got it.  Ratchet back the hyper-spiritualizing.

Recently I’ve circled back to Psalm 34 where that verse is found.  It’s a “praise-the-Lord-even-if-I’m-dying” Psalm, because God is present.  It’s a good reminder Psalm.  God has used it in my life in some of the lowest times (can you tell from all the scribbling and times I’ve dated it?)photo-149

But on other days I love it that we also have the “crap-life-sucks-and-never-will-get-better-so-let’s-kick-ass” Psalms.

Psalm 35, for example Continue reading

Where are You?

This past fall I was in Jerusalem with some friends.  One day we were visiting the Old City, a maze of narrow, ancient stone walkways that can confuse even the most veteran tourist.

One of the women in our group got separated from us and was lost.  And she didn’t have phone service.  So she was dependent on Arabic speaking shop keepers to figure out where she was, and where she was going.  Ahh the adventures of international travel.

It made me think of similar situations we’ve had in our family.  Some of us (I’m not going to name names) are known for getting lost – a tad disoriented, if you will.  And on cross-country road trips have been known to end up in the wrong state.  One daughter in particular has been know to have us “Mapquest her in”, keeping us on the phone like Mission Control.

If someone calls you and says, “I’m lost, can you help me?” what’s the first question you ask?

Continue reading

Running the Wrong Race

We have many gorgeous autumnal days here in Minnesota. (Autumnal is a word my husband likes to use and once made the mistake of trying to use it in a compliment, as in “Honey you look really autumnal.”  Note to husbands:  Do not try this)  Anyway, awhile ago I was taking a walk around a lake.  I stopped to adjust my ipod and a young woman power-walked past me.  I smiled and fell in walking briskly about 30 yards behind her.

She anxiously looked over her shoulder at me and tried to speed up, swinging her arms more vigorously.  It was apparent that it was very important to her to walk faster than me.

It became comical as we went around a wooded bend.  Thinking she was obscured from my view for a minute, she glanced back, and jogged a few yards to get farther ahead.

Since she had her back to me and couldn’t see me unless she turned around, I mischievously jogged a few yards on the straightaway to close the gap and freak her out.

We went on like this until I came upon a stunningly beautiful maple tree in a hundred shades of turning…green to gold, to orange to red… I stopped in my tracks.  I looked ahead at the girl who was “running her race” in relation to me and thought how often this is a picture of my spiritual journey.

Both of us were more concerned about the progress of the other than of truly being present in the moment, attentive to what God had for us as individuals.  I could keep walking, trying to keep pace with the girl in front of me, or I could choose to turn aside to this tree, as Moses to his burning bush and say, “What do you have for me, Lord?”

It brought to mind Jesus’ conversation with Peter in John 21.  Jesus tells Peter about his future and commands him to follow, but Peter looks at the other disciple, John and says, “Lord, what about him?”  Jesus’ response is basically, “Don’t worry about my plans for him.  That shouldn’t matter to you.  Just YOU follow me.”

Do YOU ever get caught up in comparison and striving to run a race that isn’t yours?  What do you do about it?? 

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