A friend of mine has 52,216 followers on Twitter. Another has 36,333.
Last time I looked, I had 42 :).
That doesn’t bother me, but this on another friend’s blog…
Hmmm… Deep breath.
There are days when I’m humming along, feeling pretty good, and then, even accidentally sometimes, I’ll see a number, and I turn small and envious, and discontent.
I’m embarrassed to admit this, but am I the only one? Which numbers affect your sense of well-being? Number of dates you’ve had in the last year? The number on your scale? Number of days since your kids called? Number of sales? Number of friends on Facebook?
So Monday I read, “Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.” Ps. 20:7
I don’t know about you, but there aren’t many horses or chariots in my neighborhood, so it is not a temptation for me to trust that Charlton Heston is going to come careening down my street, whip in hand, vanquishing all my foes, cleaning up all my insecurities.
But there IS the temptation to trust in other things.
I’m wondering…if this verse were written today (no, I’m not changing scripture, just wondering) might it read:
“Some trust in ‘followers’, ‘likes’, ‘hits’, ‘friends’ and full email boxes, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.”
But here’s a hard question. What does that look like? Trusting in God? And not being derailed by either praise or the lack of it?
How do I resist having praise go straight to my head and criticism straight to my heart?
A couple of years ago I learned about a “Welcoming Prayer”, originated by Mary Mrozowski, that I have adapted and personalized for my own use most mornings. Maybe part of trusting God is reminding ourselves and preparing for the battle we face each day.
Here’s my version of the Welcoming Prayer, prayed with hands open upwards:
Holy Spirit, Welcome.
I let go of my need for affirmation and approval…
I let go of my need for recognition from…(This is the most important part for me. I insert here, specific people or places I’m tempted to look to for approval)
Holy Spirit, Welcome.
I let go of my need for power and control…
I let go of my need to change…(I insert here, specific people or situations I’m tempted to try to control)
Holy Spirit, Welcome.
Find rest my soul, in God alone.
For my hope comes from Him.
He alone is my rock and my salvation,
He is my fortress; I will not be shaken.
My salvation and my honor depend on God;
He is my mighty rock, my refuge. Psalm 62:5-7
Lord, help me to be a follower instead of seeking followers. You are enough.
Which derails you most often? Praise or the lack of it?