Sharon is a dear friend who both inspires and intimidates me with her amazingness. She has guest-posted here before. I’m so thankful that in the midst of a busy, stressful time, she was willing to share some more of what she’s learning. Here’s the next in our 5 Questions About…series.
1. Recently you took what must have felt like a huge risk. Can you tell us about it?
Eight months ago, I resigned from a job I had loved and made the leap to running my own business. This happened after an extended season of prayer and discernment, so by the time I made the change, I felt certain it was the right thing to do.
Yes, there were practical risks involved: leaving a certain income, benefits, 401K; losing the familiarity of my office and team. And as a single person, I didn’t have a safety net of a second income, back-up insurance, or a support person to pick up slack in other areas of life. But I was also very clear about why I was making the change: 1) to be faithful to what I understood God was putting in my hands; 2) to learn and grow through a new challenge.
So when I framed it that way, I realized that even if my business failed (and I had to move into my parents’ basement), I would experience God in deeper ways and learn things I wouldn’t otherwise. Continue reading