Last week I wrote about getting stuck in an elevator and in life.
A few days after that incident I got into the elevator again. I know, I know, insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. But call me an incurable optimist. And another woman was there so I figured I’d have a buddy if anything happened.
“Oh YOU’RE the one the firemen had to rescue!” she said. With a “look”, if you know what I mean.
Hmmm…I thought. “Is that really the way I want to be known?”
Wouldn’t it be better to be known as the one led Tiger Woods to Christ and helped get his life on track? Or better yet, the one who found a cure for AIDS?
When we think of the people in our life we often think things like “He’s the one who’s self-absorbed and never asks questions of anyone else.” “She’s the one who always has such a great attitude.” “That’s the one who will always help out.”
I’ve been wondering…When people think of me how would they complete that sentence (other than “the one the firemen had to rescue”)? If I have life verses they would probably be Deuteronomy 30:19,20. My hope is that people would say “She’s the one who chooses life…life-giving words, life-giving actions, life-giving attitudes.”
How would you like people to complete the sentence for you? “He/She’s the one who _____________”
The great thing is, no matter what, the way that God completes that sentence is “You’re the one that I love.”