Tag: relationships (Page 3 of 3)

Do you have a “Parade” Home?

I’m a house person.  I love them.  I love people who can create warm and welcoming environments where lively conversation happens and memories are made.

I love snooping around houses on the “Parade of Homes” tour in the spring and fall.  And by that I mean coveting and taking pictures and pretending someday I’ll actually have the money to create similarly lovely rooms.

But I’m also critical (as if I had a design degree, which I don’t).

The problem, in my mind, is that most houses are too divided up.

John says I never saw a wall I didn’t want to knock down.  And we’ve knocked down a wall or two in homes that we’ve owned.  These were messy propositions and the process left us feeling uncomfortable and unsettled.

For one season the microwave was in the study and there was a 4 ft. square hole in the floor of the family room that I stepped through, almost ending up in the basement.  A tad disconcerting.

This is a house I’ve ridden and run by on many days.  They’ve been working on it for what seems like at least 37 years.  First I watched them demolish the previous house.  Then cart off the rubble.  Then excavate and dig and pour a foundation and slowly, slowly begin to re-build.

If I were the owners I’d be going crazy.  I’d be so ready to settle for the quick version.  A little less attention to detail.

When I ride by I think of this quote by C.S. Lewis:

“Imagine yourself as a living house. God comes in to rebuild that house.

At first, perhaps, you can understand what He is doing. He is getting the drains right and stopping the leaks in the roof and so on; you knew that those jobs needed doing and so you are not surprised. But presently He starts knocking the house about in a way that hurts abominably and does not seem to make any sense. What on earth is He up to?

The explanation is that He is building quite a different house from the one you thought of – throwing out a new wing here, putting on an extra floor there, running up towers, making courtyards.

You thought you were being made into a decent little cottage: but He is building a palace. He intends to come and live in it Himself.”

I’ve realized lately that there are some walls in my life that I’ve made load-bearing that weren’t meant to be.  And by that I mean some relationships.  I’ve expected them to bear the weight that only Jesus is meant to bear.

And they’ve come crashing down.

In His knocking about, Jesus has removed some relational supports that I really valued.  More than I should, perhaps.  Load-bearing walls that I was depending on too much to give me worth, identity…

And then the demolition process feels kind of like stepping on an old barn ladder rung and having it snap.  All of a sudden you’re left hanging by one hand and the shock is a little scary and anger-producing and you’re thinking, “What just happened??”

But God whispers, “That friendship wasn’t meant to hold all your weight.  And it wasn’t meant to define your worth.  Only I am.  And I think you’re spectacular.  No matter what.  And your house is gonna be a lot more beautiful when I’m done with it.”

Can you relate?  Is God “knocking about” in your “house”?

That Person

I’ve thought a lot about this.

If I ever become an actress (Don’t laugh.  It could happen!), and I have a scene where I have to cry on cue, no sweat.  I’ve got this one covered.  Not because I’m particularly weepy (I’m really not at all, you know).  But because all I’ll have to do is think of that person.”

You know.  “That person”.

I’m betting you have one too.  The person who won’t forgive you.

Or the one you thought loved you, but then betrayed, or rejected, or ignored, or walked away from you.  Or the one who pronounced a judgment that you’ve let define you.

Or the child you love who is making destructive choices, far from Jesus and you can’t control them or fix it and your heart is breaking.

And all it takes is for you to hear a certain song that brings back memories, or drive by a place where you used to feel welcome, or to accidentally see them.  Or not at all.

Broken, broken, broken.

If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.  Romans 12:18

You’ve tried the Elmer’s glue of apologies, and prayer, and grace to mend things but they’re still unmoved.  Unresponsive.  They still don’t like you.  Or they don’t like Jesus.  Or they don’t like either of you.

Here’s my advice.  To myself.  And you if you want to try it.  A spiritual practice if you will.

Give up.  Give them up.  Give yourself up.

Hand them over.

Let go.

And breathe.

Breathe in.  “Abba Father.”

Breathe out.  “Do what only You can do…”

Heal.  Restore.  Illumine.  Woo.  Correct.

Give up.  Over and over again.

Who’s “that person” for you?  Who do you need to hand over?

Wile E. Coyote and Fixing January, part 2

Last Friday I wrote about Wile E. Coyote and Fixing January .  January and I still have challenging relationship, but I’ve been trying to affirm her where I can.  You know, cuz that’s what Jesus would do.   But our counselor says we’ve got a long way to go.  I’ve been working at the practice of being thankful, but I’ve also had some other thoughts (And so have you!  Check out the good ideas in the comments on the original post).

I’ve been thinking about one of my favorite axioms from Mark Batterson.

Change of pace + Change of place = Change of perspective

True that.

Not many of us are able to apply this by taking a vacation on a beach in Mexico, but I’ve been trying to be creative by shaking things up a bit.

Here are some of the things I’m trying.

1.  New Experiences.  John and I got a groupon and have been taking dance lessons with some friends of ours.  Hysterical.  Not only have we laughed our heads off, I’ve been reminded how much I like control, and have been comforted by the fact that this may be the one thing I can do that John can’t.  Well, actually he just can’t do it worse than I can’t do it.  It’s humbling and healthy for both of us to laugh at ourselves.

2.  New Relationships.  Ok, this one is more for me than John cuz he’s an introvert and doesn’t really like people, but we each have met a ton of young couples at our church this fall.  I met some.  He met others.  None of them really knew each other.  We wanted to help them connect and get to know them better so last weekend we invited them to a “Come to Cook” dinner where everyone pitched in on teams to pull the meal together.  People are always more comfortable when they have a job to do so it was so much fun!

3.  New Practices.  This fall I got involved in helping facilitate the Willow Creek Association online courses called LIFT  (Leadership Intensives for Transformation).  I can’t recommend these highly enough.  If you want huge value for your investment, check these out.  They are mostly 7 week courses around topics of leadership and spiritual formation.  You receive an assignment each Monday that may include watching a video, doing a self-assessment, reading an article, and interacting online around several application/discussion questions.  The total time investment each week is only 2 hours and you can fit it in whenever it’s convenient for you!  Most classes also include a couple of virtual classroom experiences when everyone is online at the same time, interacting around a video teaching.  I’ll be facilitating the Leading for Results class that was created, and is taught by Henry Cloud around his book, Integrity.  It starts February 6th and it’s for EVERYONE, not just ministry leaders.  I did it for the first time this fall and thought the content was the most practical and relevant I’d seen.  I’d love to have you join in!

What about YOU?  What are the life-giving new experiences, relationships, or practices you’ve tried or want to try?  Share with us!

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