Tag: quiet time

What Does a Jesus Schedule Look Like?

6:00 – 6:18 a.m. Brush teeth, put on sandals and robe, sit by lake

6:19- 6:33 a.m. Pray, using A.C.T.S.*

6:34 – 6:45 a.m. Review memorized Torah

6:55 – 7:00 Write in journal

7:00 Wake disciples for breakfast

Can you picture Jesus’ handler scurrying along behind Him with a clipboard trying to keep Him on task? I don’t think so.

Jesus had a healthy rhythm of life, but He didn’t have a strict schedule.

He engaged, and disengaged. He poured out and filled up.

He had regular practices, but He wasn’t legalistic about them.

Jesus was busy, but never hurried.

He valued children over check-lists.

This morning, as I write, I’ve spent a little time in Scripture, but I’m also multi-tasking…texting with a couple of people, stopping to pray for my daughter, and friends as they come to mind.

Does Jesus want my devotion, my undivided attention? Yes.

Does He give grace for prayer that’s a bit scattered and interruptions to my time in His Word? Yes.

Don’t get me wrong! I see the value of a morning routine!

One of the keys to the “with God” life is paying attention. If we start our day focused on Him, maybe we will be more likely to be aware of His presence while changing diapers, or at work, or fixing dinner, or at the coffee shop with a friend who is hurting.

If you have a special, comfy chair where you try to start each day with a cup of coffee and devotions of some sort, that’s fantastic! Even if you have toddlers who interrupt you, they are seeing what’s important to you.

However, different seasons of life have more or less discretionary time first thing in the morning. Your rhythm and routine may look different when you’re 24 and when you’re 42, but it takes intention. It doesn’t just happen.

Years ago, a mentor of mine told me “You may think it’s hard to carve out time with Jesus while your kids are little (and it is!), but there will always be things vying for your attention, so fight hard for the discipline of a healthy rhythm, but also give yourself grace.”

  • Maybe you’ll lay hands on your kids at the bus stop and pray a blessing over them.
  • Maybe you’ll take a walk and pray for your neighborhood.
  • Maybe you’ll meditate on a verse you’ve taped over the sink so you see it as you do the dishes.
  • Maybe you’ll read the same Psalm every day for a week, noting the characteristics of God.
  • Maybe you’ll do your Bible study as you sit in the carpool line at soccer waiting to pick up your kids.
  • Maybe you’ll be surprised by Jesus, recognizing Him in the way someone serves you.

Jesus doesn’t want part of your life. He wants the whole messy and beautiful and beloved thing.

So…a couple of questions to close:

  • What does your spiritual rhythm look like in this season?
  • What helps you to pay attention to the character and work of God in and through you?

As always, I’d love to hear your thoughts (they are super valuable to all of us!). If you subscribe to this blog, just click on the title and it will take you to my website. Scroll down to leave a comment. Remember, if you’re posting a comment for the first time it won’t show up right away, but be patient…it will!

*Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication

Spiritual ADD

Often people ask me for suggestions of good devotionals or Bible studies.  It happened again this past week after John preached on the Bread of Life and it got me to thinking.  I’m delighted to share what’s been helpful to me, but with a few caveats and a request to hear from you too.  I am so grateful for my relationship with Jesus but…

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