Chances are you’ve already been to a holiday party and you may have others looming. The office party. The family party. The cookie exchange. The neighborhood open house.
Me too.
I was out at a party the other night and I had a great time – gorgeous decorations, unbelievable food, fun people, and twinkle lights (how can you not be jolly when there are lots of twinkle lights??!!)But I reflected later that night, looking for times in my day when I sensed the pleasure of Jesus and other times when…welllllll…not so much… (You know, the Examen that I’ve written about before). I was a bit dismayed. The party had been a time when I had acted like a self-centered toddler, putting my fingers in my ears so I could ignore the whispers of the Holy Spirit.
And you know what the Holy Spirit kept trying to whisper to me that I didn’t want to hear? Continue reading