Tag: pandemic

3 Truths for Dealing With Covid Chaos, part 1

The other day I was at a tennis drill that was, well…maddening. It was designed to create chaos in order to help us practice responding under pressure.

The pro would feed a “poachable” ball to the net player on one side and the player’s goal was to pound it directly at the feet of her opposing net player.

If the net player was able to return the ball it wouldn’t be pretty and it was unpredictable. The point would unfold from there, everyone trying to survive and bring some kind of order to the chaos.

If you don’t play tennis and don’t understand the explanation above, it doesn’t matter. The point is that chaos was meant to help us get better.

green tennis ball on court
Photo by Bogdan Glisik on Pexels.com

Turns out I don’t do great in chaos. Few of us do. Welcome to 2020.

After the drill I was talking to the pro and he said the thing that happens with everyone in chaos is that they tense up.

You feel the pressure to prove yourself or perform in the midst of uncertainty, and your muscles tighten. You’re afraid of losing.

You play from a place of fear and confusion. My coach said the first step is just acknowledging what’s going on. Say to yourself, “I’m in a hard position here. Just breathe, relax and ask what’s the next right thing to do.”

I do not believe God “sent” or “created” this pandemic. Illness is a result of the Fall. But God did allow this, and I believe He desires to use it to form us into people more like Him if we’re willing to pay attention.

This week, situations reminded me of three truths a friend of ours used to repeat years ago, which I’ll write about in the coming days. But first I had to acknowledge the situation – the chaos and the resulting pain.

We may be inclined to think that God judges us for being brutally truthful with Him about how we’re feeling – emotions of anger, confusion or uncertainty. But we see differently in Scripture, especially in the Psalms.

Like an inconsolable toddler reaching up for his mother, crying out to God is intimate. It draws us near to His heart.

I call out at the top of my lungs, “God! Answer! I’ll do whatever you say.” …

I was up before sunrise, crying for help, hoping for a word from you. I stayed awake all night, prayerfully pondering your promise. In your love, listen to me; in your justice, God, keep me alive…

Let my cry come right into your presence, God; provide me with the insight that comes only from your Word. Give my request your personal attention, rescue me on the terms of your promise…

Put your hand out and steady me since I’ve chosen to live by your counsel…

And should I wander off like a lost sheep—seek me! I’ll recognize the sound of your voice.

psalm 119 MSG

So, today, maybe talk to God honestly about how you feel in this season of chaos. Journal a prayer or take a walk and pray. Acknowledge the situation and your needs.

Soul Food in a Time of Uncertainty

We may not have toilet paper, but John has made sure we have what’s really essential!

Everything’s a little “off” right now, right? Flights, schools, worship services…and any semblance of a schedule for my posts apparently!

I usually try to post once on Tuesday and then share some links around a theme on Friday called “Soul Food”, but I thought it might be helpful for me to share four “Don’ts” and two “Do’s” while many of you are at home.

1.Don’t be afraid.

My friend Sue said that Young Life leaders are being encouraged to pray Psalm 91 every day for 91 one days. Great idea, and it reminded me of a good podcast I listened to this week on Psalm 91 called “How Do We Pray in the Midst of Fear?” You might like it too!

Here’s some additional encouragement from Instagram.

Maybe play this in the background while you work in the kitchen, or play it over your kids.

2. Don’t despair if your kids’ school is closed.

How about giving your kids the fun job of coming up with motions for a Scripture verse? Beth Moore simplified 1 Corinthians 16:13-14 to Stay alert! Stand firm! Show courage! Be strong! Do love!

There are some churches with great online resources, both for family worship experiences, Bible activities, and ways to talk to your kids about the pandemic. Here are a few good ones:

National Community Church

Check out Elevation Church‘s Elevation eKidz on Pinterest.

One night when our kids were in grade school, when John got home I led all of us into our Master Bedroom walk-in closet with only a candle. We sat on the floor and talked about places where people can’t worship freely and may not even have Bibles. We tried to remember all the scripture we could from memory and then we prayed for the persecuted church.

Want educational? Take a virtual tour of a famous museum from around the world!

3. Don’t lose perspective.

4. Don’t lose your sense of humor.

Picture from the UK 🙂

5. Do share.

After being away from my kitchen for almost 4 months, I’ve been loving making a bunch of meals to freeze or share with new mamas or those in need. I shared a super easy stew recipe on Instagram this week.

Thriving Home (great for family-friendly freezer meals), and Half-Baked Harvest are other go-to’s for good recipes. Here’s another favorite recipe I‘ve shared before.(I leave out the broth)

Ok, that’s it for now. I’m going to treat myself and go tackle one of the books on my stack! How are you spending your Corona virus days?

P.S. If you want a good thriller, check out What She Knew

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