Twenty-seven years ago my husband John and I moved from our home and families in the Chicago area to serve at a church in Washington D.C. It was a huge change for us. John was required to attend a seminar on transitions and while he was there he had to take an assessment that assigned points to the the different changes in your life.
POINTS???! We love points! We’re a tad competitive :).
For example, we were moving away from family for the first time, expecting a new baby (I was 8 months pregnant when we moved), buying our first house, starting a new job in a new church culture. Each of these got points assigned to them indicating the amount of pressure in our life.
John came home and said, “Honey, I have good news and bad news. The good news is, we WON! We had more points than anyone there! The bad news is they said we should have been in counseling 50 points ago!” Continue reading