It’s One Word Friday! How’s it been going for you? Has your word changed your life or do you have a hard time remembering what it is? Here are some of my recent thoughts on Choose Life.
Text message convo with daughter Maggie…
Me: Guess who I just ran into at the pool??!!!
Maggie: Ellen???!!
Me: Close, but no. Not this time.
Maggie and I love Ellen (Degeneres) and are pretty sure she wants to meet us and be best friends. We also made it to the finals auditioning for the Amazing Race as a team.
And we’ve visited the giant space acorn (which is probably on your bucket list too).

All that to say, we set our sites pretty high. No halfway stuff for us.
I figure, in John 10:10 Jesus didn’t say, “I have come so that your life might be kind of okay.”
Then the other day I was having a conversation with my husband (small caveat: it may have been 6 am and he may still have been half-asleep when we had this conversation).
Me: Honey, Light of my Life, what are some exciting things you’d like to do in the next 10 years?
Husband: “Road trips. Like up the coast of Oregon and Washington State.”
Me: Road trips???!! NOOOOOOO! Wrong answer! (You think you know a person!)
Husband: What are some exciting things YOU’D like to do in the next 10 years?
Me: Hike Machu Pichu, teach with you in Africa, hang glide in Switzerland, are the first things that come to mind.
Husband: Well, whatever you die of it won’t be boredom.
True, but as I look back over my “high expectations” I think, how many of them are eternal? How many of them reaaaaallly matter?
When we “choose Life” we’re choosing to live into all of God’s abundance, but He also warns us about investing in what won’t last. And then there’s that whole annoying thing about losing our life in order to gain it. And the reminder to “live a life worthy of our calling.”
I love it when choosing life includes my passport, or chocolate, or doing anything outside, preferably with really exciting people. But what about when choosing life means choosing inconvenience or grace, or discipline or service?
When I’m not sure, this reminder helps:
Choosing life will always be consistent with choosing love.
Choose life = Choose love.
So today I’m thinking about the “Life” I’m choosing. What about you? How’s it going?