Tag: letting go

Learning From Those Who are Dying and Those Who Are Living

On Tuesday some dear friends welcomed their first baby, Nel.  New life, greeted with great joy.IMG_5900

This morning, Wednesday, we got word that a 93 year old friend had entered the kingdom of heaven overnight.  He had a mind as sharp as our polar vortex wind, but the body of a helpless infant.  The last time we visited him he had been in hospice at home for over a month and when we saw him he felt like he was just. done.  He was ready to greet death with great joy.

Upon Dallas Willard’s death, John Ortberg wrote of him:

“He (Dallas) said that a person is a series of conscious experiences, and that for the one who trusts and follows Jesus, death itself has no power to interrupt this life, for Jesus said that the one who trusts in him will not taste death.  Dallas died on May 8, 2013. I’m not sure if anyone has told him yet.” Continue reading

Necessary Endings?

One of the most stretching things for my spirit is letting go.  I’m reflecting, in this season on change, and death, and release.  And the hope of new seasons.  Will you join me?  Praying today, with hands open, palms down, relinquishing the dead things I may be clinging to.  Shame, control, past pain, unhealthy relationships…thankful that God is a God of life and hope.  A God who changes old to new.

“Oh God of endings,                                                                                                                                                            you promised to be with me always,                                                                                    even to the end of time.                                                                                                        Move with me now in these occasions of last things, of shivering vulnerabilities and letting go…

…Be with me in my end of things,

dead ways,
 dead words,                                                                                                                                   dead self I hold so tightly,                                                                                                        defend so blindly,                                                                                                                          fear losing so frantically…”                                                                                                         Excerpt from Guerillas of Grace by Ted Loder



This day I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses.  Now choose life so that you and your children may live and that you may love the Lord your God, listen to His voice, and hold fast to Him.  For the Lord is your life.” Deut. 30:19-20.

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