Tag: Jon Acuff

Soul Food at a Social Distance

Are these crazy times, or what? How are you doing figuring out your new normal? Getting creative?

Do you have a bucket list? Been sticking to a schedule? Discovering some good books? I’d love to hear your ideas!

I’ve been posting about 2 minutes of devotional thoughts on my Instagram Stories each morning, and sharing some ideas of what we’re doing on my feed. I’d truly love to hear from you!

Here are a few resources and day-brighteners I’ve come across…

I love it that Hallmark is doing a Christmas movie marathon this weekend and people around the country are putting Christmas lights back out to bring some cheer!

We missed all the movies that came out between November and March so we watched A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood the other night. If you haven’t seen it, it’s just what we need during these anxious times.

If you have kids 4-10 years old, here’s a great resource just made available! All of Phil Vischer’s Veggie Tales and other Bible resources for kids on this website!

Love this song newly released by Elevation!

The verse that I have written in our kitchen is part of Deuteronomy 31:6 The Lord your God goes with you; He will never leave or forsake you.

Press on friends! And share your ideas in the comments please!

Summer is for Reading?

It seems like when summer dances in everyone comes out with lists of “summer reads” like you’re going to have all this amazing leisure time at the lake and your daily responsibilities (or your kids) will magically disappear.  Well, that hasn’t exactly been my reality.  And add to that the fact that I’m a slow reader who doesn’t retain much and you’ve got a profile of my reading world.

However, I have read a few books over the past two months, and I’d love some suggestions from you too!  Here are mine.

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The Voice of Fear on Fearless Friday

I do not think of myself at an insecure person.  So writing these next sentences feels a little like Lance Armstrong must have felt coming clean with Oprah.  Except for the fact that I don’t have millions to lose and I’ve never won a bike race and I’m not a guy. Ok, it’s totally different, but here’s my confession.

I’ve been decidedly daunted this week.  Perfectly paralyzed. Buffeted by the winds of self-doubt and discouragement.

This seemed to come out of nowhere, but when I stopped to pray and reflect I can trace the beginnings to a Tweet.  Yep, it took just 140 insensitive characters to take me down.  “Really?”  you’re saying.  Really?

And then there was a post by someone who made me furious and jealous at the same time.

And a word here or the lack of a word there…

Holy Buckets!  Just days ago I was undaunted…bullet-proof, regardless of any spitballs that might be spat my way!  And now the spiral into the comparison trap that left me in a heap of ” Not good enough.  Not good enough.”

Ever end up there?  Maybe by a different road, but still?

Who or What is it in your life that brings up those feelings of fear or insecurity?

Recently I read this quote by Rick Warren that made me respond “Yes!”:

“Insecurity is an internal alarm that says you’re trusting in something that could be taken from you instead of [trusting in] Christ.”  

So I’ve been stewing and praying (sometimes the two look a lot alike) about how to deal with this.  It’s messy and it’s a process and it’s not easy.  Here are a few of the things I’ve been trying.

1.  Identify the voice. When you feel angry, or fearful, or jealous, or small, do you stop and think “Where is that coming from? Just who or what is really saying that to me?”  Why am I giving it such power in my life?  Why does it bring up this strong emotion in me?  Does it tap into a past wound that I need to address?

2.  Challenge the voice with the truth.  “Bring every thought captive to Christ.”  What would Jesus say in response to this narrative?   If the story in your head says anything other than that you are gifted by God, fearfully and wonderfully made, cherished by Him, created for good works that He has for you, it’s a lie and you need to tell it to shut up. (I know, easier said than done!)

3.  Manage what or who you’re allowing to get in your head.  For me this means ruthlessly putting up some boundaries.  Fasting from some social media, and un-following some people who are wonderful but bring out my worst self.  It may be totally different for you.  It might involve the people you spend time with or the shows you watch or where you go or whatever…

Why is this so important?

Because if we listen to the voice of fear and insecurity when God calls us to go, we’ll stay.

When He calls us to stay the course, we’ll run away.

When He calls us to speak, we’ll remain silent.  And I truly believe that all of our voices are valuable and needed in the kingdom.

Those are a few of my strategies.  What helps you?

P.S.  I wrote this and afterwards I saw this great image posted by John Acuff.  Happy Friday!



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