Tag: God’s faithfulness

4 Things to do When You’re Out of Control

I walked to my Starbucks the other day, feeling all sunshiny and full of hope for the one thing I could still count on in our time of chaos, and they are closed indefinitely. (Is God still on His throne??!!)

We were supposed to fly to Chicago last weekend to see my parents, but our flight was cancelled.

I haven’t bought toilet paper in a month and now there is none to be found. I heard a podcast the other day highlighting the different kinds of leaves to use if you run out of toilet paper!

A friend had a birthday this week and I couldn’t give her a hug.

Most of us are planners, amiright?

We plan to go to the gym while the kids are in school. We plan a vacation for Spring Break. We choose to meet friends for coffee, or play tennis, or watch the Master’s golf tournament on T.V.

We love doing what we want, when we want, with no interference.

During this season when nothing is going as we planned and all our illusions of control have been shattered, I think it’s important to pay attention to how we’re responding.

How is loss of control affecting you?

Do you notice little power struggles between you and family members becoming intensified?

Are everyday preferences a battle ground to exert control when so much has been taken away?

John likes complete darkness watching T.V. and low lighting all of the time. I like light, and when most of the other choices in my life have been taken away, this tiny little thing becomes more important.

I realize subconsciously I’m thinking, “I MAY NOT HAVE TOILET PAPER, BUT I WILL HAVE LIGHT DARNIT!”

What are some things we can do to assure that we’ll come out the other side of this better human beings than we were before?

1.Pay attention to what triggers you and be curious. Why is this bugging me? How important is it?

2.Get creative about the choices you DO have! Find ways to chose connection, service, and fun! Maggie and Austin did a virtual Happy Hour and Bingo night with friends. Folks with margin are reading books on video to give parents with restless kids a break.

3.Create a breath prayer for those times when you feel triggered by “out of control” feelings. All you do to create a breath prayer is choose a name for God that is important to you in this season. Breathe it in. Then breathe out a phrase that sums up what you need.

Lately mine has been: “Prince of Peace, settle me down.”

4.Gain perspective by reflecting on all the ways God has been faithful in the past – Guidance? Provision? Course correction? Say a prayer of praise. Look at Psalm 77 for an encouraging model of honesty and choice.

What’s been helpful to you during this time of change, loss, and uncertainty?

I’ve been posting very brief devotional thoughts on my Instagram Stories, and continuing to try to bring joy, encouragement and inspiration on my feed. I’d love to hear from you there!

What Are You Holding On To?

Transition. Almost everyone I know is experiencing it. It’s just a part of life. Things change, right? 

You might be welcoming your first baby into the world, or seeing your last “baby” off to college.

It can be a euphemism used when you lose your job or choose to change jobs. “I’m in transition.” 

It might involve a cross-country move, or a move from an apartment into your first real home. 

My husband and I are in a major season of transition – out of ministry at the church where we’ve served for 30 years, and into…something God hasn’t made completely clear yet. 

In times of change, it’s easy to major on what we’re losing. And sure, it’s appropriate to grieve. That’s part of the process, But these days I’m trying to focus on these verses from Romans 8:15-17

This resurrection life you received from God is not a timid, grave-tending life. It’s adventurously expectant, greeting God with a childlike “What’s next, Papa?” God’s Spirit touches our spirits and confirms who we really are. We know who he is, and we know who we are: Father and children.

During a different season of change years ago, a mentor of mine said, “Laura, imagine you’re a trapeze artist, high above a circus ring. You’re swinging, swinging, and the next trapeze floats into sight. You know you need to reach out and grab it, but in order to do that, you have to let go of the bar you’re holding onto. If you try to hold onto both the past and the future, you’ll be like a turkey wishbone pulled apart at Thanksgiving.” (Mixed metaphors, but you get the idea, right?)

In one sense I get it. This is true to a degree. But I’d like to tweak it a little. I suggest that if we hold on to any circumstances of life – clinging to, or pining for “this” perfect situation, or “that”, we’ll be perpetually fearful and disappointed. If instead, the one constant we cling to is our “Abba” we will always be secure, assured of His good plans for us. 

Easier said than done! This month I am trying to hold only to Jesus, celebrating His goodness and faithfulness over the past 30 years, and trusting Him with an attitude that is “adventurously expectant” for what’s ahead.

What about you? Where are you in transition? 

I pray this song is encouraging to you, as it is to me. I love the refrain at the end. “I’m holding on to You, Lord. You’re holding on to me.”


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