Tag: experiment

7 Ways to Shake up Your Life

Want to shake up your life (in a good way)?  Join us for the Summer of 7!  Be sure to check out the comments from Friday and add your own today and as we go along!

I told you last week about Jen Hatfied’s book and how it’s messed with me and how a group of us are experimenting with a radical reduction of excess in our lives this summer.  Like I said before, if you haven’t read it, go get it (or borrow it).  Now!

So the area where we’re currently reducing is clothing.  Trying to wear just 7 pieces of clothing for a week.  Jen did it for a month, but we’re clearly not spiritual or committed enough for that.  We just plan on being quick learners. 🙂

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One Thing that will Completely Change Your Day

This may sound weird, but I hope you’ll give it a chance.

What if, today, as a spiritual experiment for Spirit Stretch Friday, you tried praying for everyone you see.

I’ve told you I’m no spiritual giant (obviously!), and I don’t think I’m a good pray-er, but I’ve tried this and it’s powerful.  Formative.  Eye-opening.

You don’t know what to pray for strangers?  I know!  That’s the beauty of it!                    You have to be present,                                                                                                                               to try to enter in,                                                                                                                                to see each person as a beloved child of God as you pray for them.

Here’s what it might look like

“Lord, please give that frazzled mom grace and patience as she deals with her kids in the grocery store.”

“For that man with the worried look, Father please give what only You can give – guidance, peace, resources.”

“Jesus remind that teenager that she is loved.  Please put someone in her life to encourage her today.”

“Lord, may this salesperson experience something of Your love and grace through me.”

When I’ve tried this, what I’ve found is that it really helps me to see each person more as I think Jesus might.  When people are rude (like someone who cuts me off in traffic), in order to pray for them it makes me think, “What must be going on in that person’s life that they are acting like that?”  It helps me to be more gracious and slow down a bit.

I know it sounds a little strange, but might you be willing to try this experiment today?    I’d love to hear what happens.

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