Tag: Bible

The Rest of the Story on the “B word”

On Monday I wrote about reading the Bible and my plan for this year.  I mentioned that I hesitate to write this kind of post because it can sound so legalistic which is not how I feel or what I want to communicate. I have friends reading this who are not yet into the Bible. Just the word can seem threatening, so I feel like my words on this are extra important.

So I tried…But when I read back over the post, it felt…kind of 1, 2, 3-ish. Not the whole story. Like saying Jonah is about a fish. Just a few facts.

My relationship with the Bible has changed over the years, just like my relationship with Jesus has changed.

I have such a deep love for God’s Word in this season that it’s hard to express it.

I am drawn to the Bible. I savor it. I feel tenderhearted like Mary, and awe-struck like the shepherds in the starry night filled with angels. It is intimate and conversational and life-giving.

There is a foreverness about God’s Word that is deeply reassuring. But it hasn’t always been that way. Continue reading

4 Benefits to Reading (most of) the Bible in a Year

Confession: I am afraid this post is going to come off like one of those neat and tidy, happy clappy “Life is so good with Jesus” posts that are true as far as they go, but can make everyone feel queasy and a little “less than”.

That is NOT what I want. But I also can’t deny the powerful effect committing to a “Read through the Bible in a Year Plan” has had on me. Yeah, I’ve always read the Bible before, but this has been different. And yes, I’ve missed a bunch of days, but that’s ok.


So…Here are few things I’ve experienced reading the whole most of a lot of the Bible in a Year Continue reading

Road Trips


Adventure starts where plans end.-3It’s June 1st – the start of summer, and for many of you that means VACATION!

Every year when I was growing up, our family took The Big Vacation. We conquered a different region of the United States each summer. Planning for these extravaganzas began in the freeze of Chicago winters when the July road trip was just a tiny glimmer of warm light at the end of a cold, dark tunnel.

I’ve been thinking about those family adventures and decided it would be fun to do a summer blog series on Bible “road trips”. I’ll post once a week and include questions so you can use this for personal study or with a small group. Because these are a little more substantive, and because it’s summer, I’m just going to commit to one post a week. My small group is going to be discussing this IRL and you can join virtually. Sound ok?

In addition, I‘d love it if you’d post pictures of your road trips on Instagram (https://instagram.com – lauracrosby) or on my Facebook page with the hashtag #roadtrip and what you’re learning with a link to the blog.

Some of the things we experienced on our family vacations are consistent with what I see in biblical road trips:

  • Packing up – Abraham
  • Provision – Moses
  • Promise – Joshua
  • Pit stops – Elijah
  • Peter
  • Perspective – Paul

But today, just one thought…

No matter what road trip we’re on with the Lord, no matter where we go, our home is in Him.

They will ask the way to Jerusalem
    and will start back home again.
They will bind themselves to the Lord
    with an eternal covenant that will never be forgotten. Jer. 50:5 NLT

Questions (We’d love to hear any of your thoughts in the comments below!):

  1. What’s the most fun trip you’ve ever taken?
  2. How would you describe this leg of your journey or “road trip” with God? You may want to take a look at this Discipleship Map for help.
  3. What are the biggest challenges and fears as you look at the road you’re on?
  4. What promises do we have for our road trips? Exodus 33:14, Deuteronomy 31:6, Psalm 16:11, Hebrews 13:5b. Which means the most to you?

All the Bible People You Don’t Like

I’ve been realizing lately there are a LOT of Bible People I don’t like.


Jacob, for example. He was just a jerk. And Gideon and Saul. I don’t like them. And I’ve never really liked Naomi.

They were SELFISH, and BITTER, and forgot all about GOD after He was always there for them! And they’re in the BIBLE for Pete’s sake!

My Bible reading plan has been MAKING me re-read about all these not-so-nice people who are just so….frustrating. I read and they’re about to do something stupid like worship a false idol or lie or whine and I’m like “No, no! Don’t do it!” but they do it anyway. Go figure.

And then it hits me. These not-so-nice-muck-ups are ME!

Maybe I cringe at the ugliness in others because deep down I recognize it as my own. Continue reading

Flying Bass and Important Stuff

Bob Goff tells the story of speaking at a men’s event where, in advance, he bought a 7 ft. inflatable, remote controlled “flying bass”. He had a boy release the flying bass above the audience in the middle of his talk. Of course everyone kept curiously looking up at the fish hovering over their heads like a drone.  It’s hard to pay attention to the speaker with a flying bass present. His point was that our problem is that we’re keeping one eye on Jesus and one eye on the bass in the room. We’re distracted.  We have so many “flying bass” that distract us from the kingdom of God – from the eternal Words of Life that have the potential to change our days.

I mentioned recently, that I have been using a YouVersion plan for reading through the Bible in a year – an attempt to keep my eyes off the “flying bass” and on the important stuff.  This morning my reading included Moses’ blessing of the Twelve Tribes of Israel before he died. His blessing of the tribe of Benjamin was a great reminder of what we should not be distracted from. It is  a gift for all of us and such beautiful encouragement that I wanted to pass it along.

“God’s beloved;God’s permanent

Wow, I love this! As people adopted into God’s family through Jesus, this blessing, this promise is for us too.

As I read these words, I have to ask myself, do I live like this is true?

Do I live with the confidence and peace of a beloved child within whom God dwells?

Do I live with the grateful awareness of being encircled by God all day long?

Have I thanked Him?

May we all focus on the amazing truths of this verse and not be distracted by “flying bass” today!



Fathers and God

Happy Father’s Day!  It’s raining here in Minnesota and our church picnic has been moved inside for later.  As I sat down and started writing this morning, considering people reading this in different places, I wondered what you might be thinking and feeling.

Some people have a really hard time thinking of God as their heavenly “Father”, because their experience of a father has been less than heavenly.  The fathers in their lives have been absent or abusive, or untrustworthy, or controlling.  So to call God “father” is not helpful.  I get that.  You may be more comfortable with an image of God as a mother, or a shepherd or a place of refuge. Great, go for it.

I understand too, that on Father’s Day there may be tangled hot mess of regret, anger, and confusion.  About Dads and God and longing to feel loved in ways you haven’t experienced, and trying to forgive hurts you don’t deserve.

There are many dad’s who don’t live into the name well.  Just like there are Christians who are hypocritical and mean-spirited and don’t live into the name well.

But not all dads disappoint all the time.  I’ve been privileged to know many extraordinary dads throughout my family.  My own dad, my grandfather, my brothers, and my husband… None of them perfect, but all of them remarkable men who each have modeled different godly characteristics that have enriched my understanding of God. Continue reading

Do You See This Woman?

There’s a rooster crowing over and over in the distance, and the trill of another bird I don’t know. Giant storks roam in the field. The smoky aroma of cook fires and bright tropical flowers in a brighter hot sun surprise my senses.  Mt. Kilamanjaro wreathed in clouds is in the distance.  Dark, friendly faces greet me.

“Toto, we’re not in Kansas anymore.” (or Minnesota).

Tanzania.  The surroundings are unfamiliar.  Different. But God is here and remains the same.

And His Word remains the same too, but I don’t.  He seems to show up as a tour guide, pointing out unseen treasures especially in new places.

There is a passage I’ve been reading every day while I’ve been traveling, praying, “Lord what do You have to say to me?” (and yes, that’s a smudge of coffee and chocolate in the picture :))

Luke 7:37-47. The Message translation.  The story of the “harlot” who comes to a “Pharisee’s” house where Jesus is visiting, anointing Him with expensive perfume and her tears.  The indignant Pharisee is schooled by Jesus who calls her “impressive” and points out that those who have a lot to be forgiven, will have a lot to be thankful for.

DSC00612 Continue reading

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