Tag: Annie F. Downs

Soul Food for Weeks When the World Seems to be Spinning Out of Control

As I sit in Starbucks writing this, the world is still rotating on its axis, but the spin feels more like an unpredictable cyclone – whirling debris that keeps changing direction and every time we think it’s going to run out of energy it amps up again.

You don’t need me to name all the things. There’s the global suffering and division we are horrified at and want to help alleviate. But you also have your own personal hard stuff that is unique to you, and….just…life. We’re tempted to say “Oh…first world problems.” and that’s true, but your hard is hard too.

How much do we camp in the pain – our own or others’? How do we pray? How do we keep perspective? Can we be thankful, but also honest about the loss we don’t understand?

On Fridays I often try to offer some resources I’ve found that have been helpful or encouraging to me. I hope you’ll find some nugget here to equip or refresh you.

As we grapple with death and destruction around the world and pray, I found these two suggestions from Danielle Macauley and Katie Racine really helpful. Prayer isn’t the only thing we can do, but it’s one thing.

I listen to podcasts at 1.5 speed, but I went back and listened a second time to this one to take notes!

Ohmygosh! This is such a great sermon, especially if you struggle with comparison (and who doesn’t?)

Are you single, or have single friends you love? You will resonate with this podcast!

I LOVE to-do lists, but yes, they can get overwhelming. If you read this simple post linked below, be sure to read the comments too because there are some great additional ideas there!

I’m always nervous when I recommend books, because everyone has such different taste. It’s great when you find someone you can trust to consistently endorse reads you will like. Holly Furtick is one of those people for me.

One Two Three is a terrific book with fascinating, quirky characters who suck you into their world.

One Two Three

Lastly, as fall approaches, a recipe for all the zucchini people will hopefully be giving you from their garden. It’s The World’s BEST Zucchini Bread Recipe! (note: I did NOT say the “healthiest” :))

Makes 2 loaves

  • 2 cups sugar
  • 3 cups flour
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 1 tsp. baking soda
  • 1 tsp each – cinnamon, nutmeg, ground cloves
  • 1/4 tsp. baking powder
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 cup oil
  • 3 tsp. vanilla
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 2 cups shredded zucchini (if large, remove seeds first)

Grease 2 8″ or 9″ loaf pans.

Mix eggs, oil, milk, and vanilla

Blend in dry ingredients, then stir in zucchini.

Bake about 45-50 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean. Cool 10 minutes in pan, then remove.

That’s it for me! I’d love to hear from you in the comments! What are your “finds”, insights, or things you’re thankful for this week?

If you get this as an email, just click on the title and scroll down to leave a comment.

Soul Food for a Racially Divided World

Good news has not been 2020’s strong suit. In addition to Covid and job loss, civil wars, and a typhoon in India, we’ve had more racially motivated shootings.

I have heard racism defined as prejudice + misuse of power.

I am a racist. I have exhibited prejudice and have benefitted from the misuse of power in our systems.

I want to listen and learn from my brothers and sisters of other colors. I NEED to repent and join them in lament. Even in writing this I fear I’m going to use the wrong phrase, or further hurt or offend.

There is so much I don’t know. In this post I just want to pass along some resources and ideas that are guiding me, in the hope that some of you, like me, want to get better at loving our brothers and sisters who have a very different story than we do.

Ahmaud Arbery lost his life on February 23 during his run. Most of you are probably aware of the call to go for a run/walk for 2.23 miles in solidarity. I thought this additional suggestion from National Community Church was really helpful:

The run becomes powerful when we make it reflective.

  • Consider how Ahmaud felt on his run? His family afterwards?
  • Consider how communities of color are feeling now?
  • Consider your own feelings. Where can you be vulnerable? Who can you lean into?

I highly recommend this insightful conversation about racial reconciliation with Mike Kelsey on Annie F. Down’s podcast (the meat of it starts at the 20 minute mark)

Some books I’m reading that have been recommended by people of color:

White Awake

An honest look at what it means to be white

Love Anyway

Love Anyway is the story of Jeremy’s incredible journey seeing the worst of war–and an invitation to discover a more beautiful world on the front lines where you live.

God’s Very Good Idea

For kids!

Check it out! 1619 Project

Consider following some accounts on Instagram that may stretch you.


Maybe this song of confession is an appropriate first step.

Frail and broken, blind to what You’ve spoken
This is my confession
I am guilty, complicit in the action
This is my confession

But You’ve accepted me, despite the things I’ve done 
You’ve acknowledged me, as righteous and beloved

My confession, Lord change me
My confession, Lord make me more like You

I am rude and heartless, speaking words that harm love
This is my confession
Proud and selfish, consumed with how I finish
This is my confession

But You’ve accepted me, despite the things I’ve done 
You’ve acknowledged me, as righteous and beloved

My confession, Lord change me
My confession, Lord make me more like You

Grow in me love and peace and a joy that won’t cease
Grow in me faith and kindness and goodness
Grow in me gentle speech, grow in me long-suffering 
And the courage to die to myself
This is my confession

My confession, Lord change me
My confession, Lord make me
My confession, Lord change me
My confession, Lord make me more like You

(c) 2020 NCC Music
– Written by Daesha Cummings, Joel Buckner, Josh Coad, Mark Alan Schoolmeesterss

I hope you’ll join me on this quest for deeper understanding and more authentic love. Feel free to add your own resource suggestions in the comments.

Summer Soul Food and the Enneagram

Toddlers in tutus and sunglasses, sailboats skimming the lake, lemonade stands, little league games and bike rides to get ice-cream! It’s SUMMERTIME and I am doing a perpetual happy dance!


I’ve been traveling a lot and in a season of change, so I’ve gotten out of a rhythm of posting here, but I’d love to get back in the habit of sharing “soul food” on Fridays. Maybe it will a recipe or a resource, an idea or a picture, but my prayer is that it will bring you JOY!

This year for my birthday, I asked for a gift from my family that doesn’t cost any money. My wish was that they each would do three things: Take an Enneagram assessment, listen to one podcast episode exploring the profile they think they fit, and talk to me about what they discover.

If you haven’t explored the Enneagram, you’ve probably at least heard about it. Some back away from it, but I see it as just one more tool to help us better understand ourselves – the fears that motivate us, and the ways we interact with others. It’s NOT our identity, but it may help us to transform into greater Christ-likeness as we become more self-aware.

So if you’re up for a little reflective adventure, here are some suggestions:
1. Do ANY Enneagram assessment you want – answer the questions as you would if you were at HOME, not in your work role.

Here’s one free assessment. (Always go with your gut/experience if in doubt re the number that comes out of assessment and “try it on” for awhile if you’re not sure). 

2. Annie F. Downs is doing a great series during June. Listen to at least THE ONE podcast episode corresponding to the number you think YOU are on this podcast series .

3. Talk to someone about what you learn!

Two other podcast episodes that are helpful if you’re not sure of your number:


A fun article on how to choose the best vacation for your Enneagram type: Angieaway and…

A fun Instagram feed to follow: Enneagramandcoffee

Or YourEnneagramCoach

What resources might you add? Fun insights?

As always, I’d love to hear from you! If you get this in email, just click on the title and it will take you to the site where you can post a comment. If it’s your first time, don’t worry if it doesn’t show up right away! And if you’re interested in some smaller doses of inspiration, join me over on Instagram. (You can turn on “notifications” in the upper right-hand corner if you want to know when there is a post.)

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