Summer Soul Food and the Enneagram

Toddlers in tutus and sunglasses, sailboats skimming the lake, lemonade stands, little league games and bike rides to get ice-cream! It’s SUMMERTIME and I am doing a perpetual happy dance!


I’ve been traveling a lot and in a season of change, so I’ve gotten out of a rhythm of posting here, but I’d love to get back in the habit of sharing “soul food” on Fridays. Maybe it will a recipe or a resource, an idea or a picture, but my prayer is that it will bring you JOY!

This year for my birthday, I asked for a gift from my family that doesn’t cost any money. My wish was that they each would do three things: Take an Enneagram assessment, listen to one podcast episode exploring the profile they think they fit, and talk to me about what they discover.

If you haven’t explored the Enneagram, you’ve probably at least heard about it. Some back away from it, but I see it as just one more tool to help us better understand ourselves – the fears that motivate us, and the ways we interact with others. It’s NOT our identity, but it may help us to transform into greater Christ-likeness as we become more self-aware.

So if you’re up for a little reflective adventure, here are some suggestions:
1. Do ANY Enneagram assessment you want – answer the questions as you would if you were at HOME, not in your work role.

Here’s one free assessment. (Always go with your gut/experience if in doubt re the number that comes out of assessment and “try it on” for awhile if you’re not sure). 

2. Annie F. Downs is doing a great series during June. Listen to at least THE ONE podcast episode corresponding to the number you think YOU are on this podcast series .

3. Talk to someone about what you learn!

Two other podcast episodes that are helpful if you’re not sure of your number:


A fun article on how to choose the best vacation for your Enneagram type: Angieaway and…

A fun Instagram feed to follow: Enneagramandcoffee

Or YourEnneagramCoach

What resources might you add? Fun insights?

As always, I’d love to hear from you! If you get this in email, just click on the title and it will take you to the site where you can post a comment. If it’s your first time, don’t worry if it doesn’t show up right away! And if you’re interested in some smaller doses of inspiration, join me over on Instagram. (You can turn on “notifications” in the upper right-hand corner if you want to know when there is a post.)


  1. Opal

    Hi Laura, I’ve followed many of your suggestions over the years but not sure about the enneagram. Where do I go to find out what this is all about. Bought Severe Mercy for one of my summer reading by the way!

    • Laura Crosby

      Hi Opal! Good for you! Always “test the spirits” (1 John 4:1). Here are a couple of articles that may help:

      RSN Article

      CT Article

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