Invitations of the Scary Kind

I wrote yesterday about how I don’t see myself usually as the cowabunga-bungee-jumping for Jesus type.


But I am trying to be a person that responds to whatever God invites me into.

Sometimes that’s leaning in to hear a whisper and being obedient in one of the million small invitations from God in daily life.

But sometimes there are big scary invites that take us off-guard.

They are as clear as a public marriage proposal booming over the loud-speaker at the Twins Stadium.  And that can be the most disconcerting kind.

So when I got a request to go teach a class to seminary students in middle-of-nowhere-rural Northern Kenya I wanted to put on Bose head phones to drown it out. (Yes. They are clearly desperate.)

I’ve never taught a seminary course and I’ll be alone without John, my best coach in all things challenging.  So the refrain in my head is “Ican’t/I’mnot/Ican’t/I’mnot…”

But like I’ve written before, I’m not, but He is.  And I really can’t ignore this, even though it makes me quake in my boots (or in my TOMS as the case may be).

And I’m inspired by some friends of mine who are responding to an much bigger crazy invite…adopting two orphans from the D.R.C.  You know, Congo, where there’s been horrendous gender violence (that means rape and worse) and warfare and the perfect storm of natural disaster, poverty, and evil.  And yes, you read right.  Two, yes two kids, with two more at home.

This is a big invitation that God has confirmed in both their hearts from the time they were dating until now.  Through scary developments and uncertainty they are trusting God to knit together a loving family of American born biological kids with Congolese babies abandoned out of desperation.

But there are also invitations of a different kind.  Big invitations to rest, that come in the form of end-of-your-rope-exhaustion and require you to say “no” may be just as scary and as the invitations to jump.

Here’s the thing…I don’t think we’re ready to say “yes” to any of the “bigger”, riskier things unless we’ve said “yes’ on the days of small things.

Would David have been ready to say “yes” to God’s invitation to fight Goliath, if he hadn’t said “yes” to the ordinary, boring, everyday stuff of protecting his sheep before that?

Would Elijah have had the courage to say “yes” to a showdown with the prophets of Baal if he hadn’t trusted God to provide food and water before that?

Would Daniel have been prepared to defy Darius when push came to shove if he hadn’t quietly been honoring God daily before that?

So as I prepare to send the email responding to the loud scary-big invite in my life, I’m trying to say “yes” to the whispers of today.  And I’m praying for my dear friends on their journey to respond to Jesus’ invite to come pick up two toddlers in Congo.

Are there ways you’ve seen God use everyday whisper invitations to prepare you for loud riskier ones?


  1. Caren Dewar

    Laura, These last two posts have been awesome. God’s protection on your
    gi-normous heart! Love, Caren

    • lauracrosby

      Oh…thank you so much Caren! I accidentally hit “Publish” instead of “Preview” last night so what you read was a bit rough, but hopefully God shone through in spite of me!

  2. Sylvia Bailey

    I feel compelled to write and share how God has constantly invited my heart to listen and my feet to step out of the ordinary into a life of trust.
    At almost 71 , I feel that I am being called to risk more.. We have a tendency to hold on to the familiar when our body is aging , however from scripture , “it is He who calls me and He will do it” Yes !! But!!!!
    Will you really be with me and will you really do it Lord..!
    Remember the verses from Isaiah 43 :18 – 20
    Behold I am doing a new thing ! Do you not perceive it!
    Now , I’m not sure I would bungee jump into the Zambezi river!!!!

  3. Deb Kielsmeier

    What a wonderful opportunity Laura! It certainly is exciting when God puts us into risky situations when we HAVE to trust Him, although it does feel a lot like bungee jumping! Wow! God is faithful, He will do it!

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