One Word for a New Year

It’s New Year’s Eve day.  A day of goal-setting, resolutions, and One Word 365.  This is the third year I have decided to choose one word to focus on.  Call it “aspirational” or “anticipatory”.  If you’re considering this practice for 2015 here are some questions to ask as you pray about it:

  • What character quality do you think God wants to nurture in you?
  • What does your soul long for or what do you need?
  • What challenges do you think you’ll face in 2015 that might inform your word?

My word in 2013 was FEARLESS.  It was a good word, an accurate word for the year, but 2014 was a bit of a failure for me in One Word world. First, I cheated with 2 words: CHOOSE LIFE.  That’s not so terrible, but they were too… broad?  Vague?  Hard to measure?  I don’t know…

“Choose life.”, would probably be my whole life phrase.

If I was forced to choose a life verse, Deuteronomy 30:20 would probably be it. Choose life.

If I had to sum up my heart for this blog, it would be to encourage others to choose life in all its fullness.

So it’s clearly an aspirational value, and in looking back over 2014 I can identify places where I chose life when something else would have been easier.

But the other night around the dinner table we were talking about what One Word would best sum up our 2014 and I said something like “wait” or “idle” or “putter”.  I just couldn’t seem to get much traction.

I had some commitments that came to an end and I was waiting for new assignments from God.  Some goals I made for 2014 are still in process, and I spent the year trying to heal from a foot injury in order to get back to running.  And I gained weight.

I feel a little like a kid who was expecting a red flexible Radio Flyer sled for Christmas and instead got a pair of warm sox.


Anyway, it’s just a word…a prayer, and a lens through which we may view the year.  And I tried, in my “warm sox” to “Choose Life” in everyday ways.

My word for 2015 is going to be “STRONGER”.

I long to be stronger in every way – physically, emotionally, spiritually.  More strongly rooted in Christ, and stronger in discipline.

I’d like to explore the different aspects of “strength” in the Bible.

unnamed-2(from DVO app)

So, what about you?  Are you choosing a “One Word”?  If so, what is it?  

If you need some ideas to get you going, here you are:

Action, Release, Simplify, Rebuilding, Together, Discover, Stewardship, Focus, Strength, Change, Perspective, Love, Selah, New, Dare, Create, Reduce, Resolve, Diligence, Mindfulness, Transition, Sacrifice, Slow, Relentless, Finish, Invest, Optimism, Choose, Open, Transformation, Truth, Persistence, Forward, Trust, Learn, Soar, Revel, Confidence, Minimize, Adventure, Pause, Determined, Unstoppable, Live, Peace, Momentum, More, Empower, Brave, Reflection, Be, Appreciate, Battle, No, Push, Silence, Adapt, Celebrate, Write, Integrity, Shine, Commit, Different, Opportunity, Possibility, Joy, Awake, Uplift, Courage, Listen, Present, Thrive, Today, Ambition, Enjoy, Imagine, Relax, Connect, Freedom, Balance, Purpose, Generous, Fortitude, Breathe, Organize, Ignite, Grace, Embrace, Believe, Growth, Faith, Curious, Direction, Progress, Risk, Health


  1. Molly Lounsberry Dykstra

    Thinking mine may be ‘here&now’…is that cheating? Okay if I write it like that so it is one word? Want to be and need to be PRESENT, in-the-moment-I-am-in. This is where I am loved. This is where I see and taste and touch and hear and smell. This is where Gods presence breaks through. This is where I can take action.

    • Laura

      Woohoo! Love it!

  2. nikki

    mine for this year after some prayer is accept!

    • Laura

      Glad you prayed into it Nikki! “Accept” is a hard, good word to embrace. To me there’s an implied “peace” along with it. Let’s see how God uses your word.

  3. Sarah Norton

    Thank you for an awesome list of words that are thoughtful and thought provoking. Still praying on which one it will be for me this year. 2014 was GRACE.

    • Laura

      Great! I’d love to hear how you saw “GRACE” impact last year. And let us know when you decide on your word for 2015!

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