Leaving Baggage Behind

My younger brother, David, is an amazing man of faith, humor, kindness, and courage.  Many of you know he has been on a grueling road trip.   As I write this, David has been admitted to M.D. Anderson in Houston. His road is one of ups and downs, medication, and fatigue. Recently, through the haze of pain, he bravely tried to reflect on last week’s post and share some personal thoughts. Here are his words:

Let me first start by saying I love to travel.  Planes, trains and automobiles are my thing.  I’ll bump off the interstate and take a US highway just to roll down the window, smell the alfalfa fields, and look for grain elevators every 6 miles like clockwork.

I know there isn’t much to like about air travel but every time I see the Arrival and Departure signs at an airport my heart skips a beat and I recall the first time I flew as a 12 year old on a Delta Airlines Super DC 8 stretch.

And don’t get me started on trains as there is NOTHING better than a private bedroom with a large picture window and a good book while watching the American west from one of Amtrak’s western long hauls.

They all connote road trips for me and they certainly are a far cry from Abram packing up his tents, livestock and family and putting one foot in front of the other on the way to where?  The Promised Land? With no return ticket?

Monday’s post about Abram, his idols, and his journey struck a chord with me.  You see, I’m on a journey of sorts myself, and like Abram, it’s not one I willingly signed up for.  In January I was diagnosed with stage IV Melanoma cancer.

For those of you who travel a lot, I’m sure you’ve become expert packers.  You know which clothing you can get multiple wears out of. Your carry-on is packed with extra charging chords, toiletries ready in one clear quart plastic bag, and the indispensable People magazine.  You are efficient and have exactly the right amount of “stuff”.

There are those of us, however, who arrive back home only to find six shirts never worn, untouched work out clothes,  and a pair of  Topsider deck shoes and Hawaiian  shirt because “Weren’t we supposed to have a Cruise Night Party?”

Just like Abram, I started my journey with everything I had and yet God wanted me to pare down a few things.  While the word “idol” sounds so ancient, there were things I worshipped that were excess baggage – mainly ego, pride and control.

Even before I was diagnosed, God had been convicting me that I was neglecting important areas of my life in order to carry this excess baggage.  I realized I had a tremendous opportunity to spend time with two of my three sons who joined me in selling residential real estate.   My healthy, yet aging parents needed and deserved more of my time.  Susan, my wife of 34 years should be getting more at this stage of our marriage, not less, and when I wasn’t able to keep my commitment to the one volunteer activity I had re-introduced into my schedule, I realized I was not happy about who I had become.  So I decided to sell the majority interest in the real estate franchise I had bought 6 years earlier.

Easy, right?  Not. Not when the business had grown from nothing to the largest and one of  the most successful residential real estate franchises in Chicago’s western suburbs…. not with my ego and pride standing in the way.  Ego and pride, and heck, while we’re at it, why not add control?

I responded, “Okay, God, I get it.  I’ll try to cooperate with You and off-load this pride baggage that is keeping me from getting where You want me to go.”

This was just two months before cancer roared in on a fighter jet. I realize now, how little I really understood what God was asking of me.

Seemingly overnight I lost the use of my left leg and have been dependent on a walker to get around, and slowly at that. For one who still could cut a slalom wake, snow ski the bumps on the Black Diamond runs and recently climbed hand over hand out of a 700 foot deep canyon in order to fish that perfect spot on the Rio Grande, I have had to let go of much that was dear to me – things that I let define me apart from God.

I’m reminded of a particular Canadian fishing trip we took years ago.  We were flown into to remote outpost camp north of the 60th parallel and after a week of fishing for monster Northern Pike, the bush pilot came to pick us up. We were lined up on the pier with our gear and the pilot immediately started taking things OUT of the plane.  Extra gas cans, spare outboard motor parts, and anything heavy he left behind for his next trip.IMG_6897

After he had finished dumping extra weight we all piled in. He revved the engine and we bounced and bounced across the water.  We all strained our necks to look out the front window which wasn’t big to begin with.  We watched the green tree line in the distance get closer and closer as we skimmed the top of the water.  Then we started giving each other nervous glances.  We felt the smoothness of air instead of the roughness of choppy water about the time we all thought we’d have pinecones in our laps.  We cleared the trees because our pilot knew how much baggage we could take with us.

We all carry extra baggage with us don’t we?  There are certain journeys that would become disastrous if we carried all of it. Our day-to-day journeys would become much easier, much more like the life God intends for us if we pared down to our most unencumbered selves.

My journey right now has lots of language like “miracles”, “healing”, etc. These are changes that we pray for. For me, though, I’ve found it is much more about the changes taking place within Dave than the “changes” I’m asking of the Lord.  

I am so thankful that God loved me enough to prepare me for this cancer journey. It is confirmation that we are in this together.  I don’t know how far along I am but already I have experienced an intimacy with my Creator that would not be possible with my idols/extra baggage along for the ride. Regardless of where my road trip takes me, I will be ready.

So that’s my sweet baby brother, David. Please, if he comes to mind, would you pray for him and Susan?

  • Do you see ways that pride, ego, or control are part of the extra baggage you are carrying on your journey?
  • In what ways can you honor God today and cooperate with His work in your life?




  1. Marcia

    What a privilege to catch a glimpse of David, for whom we continue to pray! Thank you, Laura for sharing your beloved brother with us. His wisdom is very much needed and appreciated. Via con Dios!

    • Laura Crosby

      So grateful for your prayers Marcia. I know you are among the committed Minnesota bleacher pray-ers!

  2. Jan

    Yes, as Marcia replied, what a gift to heat his heart. We too pray nightly for David and family. You both have been given the gift of words and writing. Thank you and David for these insights into your souls that help me look into mine.
    I will be unpacking for todays journey

    • Laura Crosby

      David and Susan have been overwhelmed and humbled by the prayers on their behalf by people they know and complete strangers. I know David is grateful for anything from his experience that can help others. Thanks Jan!

  3. Penny

    Lifting Dave in prayer for God’s perfect healing for he knows the plans he has for his beloved Dave. God’s blessings for Susan. Love you both.

    • Laura Crosby

      Thank you so much Penny!

  4. Marjorie Craddock

    Thank you Laura. I’ve been praying and will keep praying,for Dave and all of you. I love the insight this gives me into his heart.

    • Laura Crosby

      Thank you Marjorie! David has said the discipline of writing helps him to process. I’m grateful!

  5. Kerri

    Just like Dave to witness to God’s good grace as he faces this tough season. He inspires & encourages those of us who desire to offer the same to him. Laura (and Susan) please know that we lift Dave and his family up daily.

    • Laura Crosby

      Thank you so much Kerri. I marvel at the way both David and Susan,in authentic ways, are seeing and drawing attention to God’s grace and goodness daily.

  6. Jodi James

    God bless your family through this trying time, Laura. In reading your brother’s post, it came to mind that there are people on the move in the world, who are forced on a road trip without choice – displaced people, refugees. How we indulge in our glorious travels, and yet for some, they are on the move to escape from war or danger or famine. May they know the greatness of God and the kindness of their neighbor (The Jesus Creed).

    • Laura Crosby

      Oh yes, Jodi! Thank you for that sobering reminder.

  7. Kim Parmley

    What a beautifully written message to read from David! People get so entangled in the daily activities of life and forget to focus on the journey with God. Prayers to David , his wife and family as he is on this current journey with God. His words of expression of his journey with less baggage is a gift and blessing that he has given to those reading his words. Thank-you David for the message of awareness for the blessing of each of our journeys to be with less baggage and a connection with our Lord and Savior that is like no other journey that we could experience.

  8. Gail

    So generous of Dave to share the insights he’s gained on this very difficult part of his journey. He’s given me much to contemplate. Will continue to lift him (and all of you) up in prayer.

  9. Jenny Williams

    I am praying and ADORE Dave!!! Thanks for your wisdom and letting us in this season with you!

  10. Kathy Mele

    Praying for A second miracle for David. Thank you for sharing this Laura. I will keep you all covered in prayer.

  11. Mazinga Mark

    The story is completely touching, I have at times failed to recognize the extra baggage I carry yet Dave mentions it all here. I proclaim God’s perfect healing to David and pray for firm faith in the Lord for Susan and the whole family.

    • Laura Crosby

      Thank you thank you dear friend!

  12. Kaaren Oldfield

    I just happened upon this today, hadn’t seen it before. Just another confirmation that Dave new exactly where he was going and of his deep faith. I think of you, your family and Susan the boys often. I pray that the Lord is holding you in the palm of his hand. Thanks to Dave, you, Susan and all for sharing this sacred experience. Somehow it is very comforting. I miss Dave as I know so many others do. Love and peace be with you. Kaaren Oldfield

    • Laura Crosby

      Karen, I’m just catching up with comments on the blog today. Thank you so much for your prayers. We truly have felt blanketed in the love of our faith community and carried in prayer. We are so grateful!

  13. Betty Memeses

    I knew he was a wonderful. I just did not know how wonderful. I am so thankful our paths crossed.

    • Laura Crosby

      Thank you for your kind words, Betty. It’s been gratifying to hear from all corners what an impact he had.

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