It’s only been 3 weeks and I already want to change my One Word.                                       Maybe “change” is too strong, but “refine”?  Yeah.

My word is Fearless.  But when I say fearless I don’t mean the opposite of timid or fearful.

I mean “resolute”, “secure-enough-in-God-to-proceed”.

I think “undaunted” may be better.

Undaunted is a “nevertheless” word.  One that throws “but God…” in the face of “but what if?”

I think one of the reasons I’m so enamored with the word “undaunted” is because I recently read Christine Cain’s book by that title.


Christine’s whole life is a response to circumstances that could have left her paralyzed …definitely daunted…But instead of letting her circumstances get between her and God, she let God get between her and her circumstances – the difficulties and discouragement that threatened to derail her and leave her ruled by fear.

I love the daring and drama that characterizes Christine’s life, preaching around the world as an evangelist and rescuing women caught in human trafficking.  She’s passionate and feisty and seemingly anointed for the powerful work God’s called her to do.  And maybe God will call you or me to be undaunted doing something similar.  Or not.

Maybe, to live into the words many of you have shared with me – Wait, Live, Margin, Relinquish, Enough, Enjoy, Trust…  it requires a unique kind of undauntedness that is firmly rooted in a faith (however shaky it may seem some days), that God is really, really big, even in a less dramatic life.

Bigger than anything we face.  Even on a very small stage.  Even if we don’t travel.  And today, maybe just for today, we’re gonna bet the farm on Him.

What if we live today undaunted even in the face of the mundane?

Trusting that the God who charges into brothels to rescue, and gives words to His servants in the halls of power, is also present in ordinary cabins and condos and delights when we follow Him, undaunted, into the hard conversation with our co-worker or our sister or our son.

Into the Dr.’s office for the dreaded diagnosis.  Across the room, or across the city, into a prison or into a retirement home to include someone different from us who makes us a little nervous.


With a really big God who stoops even to join us in small places.
