A grande skim mocha, extra hot, no whip, is one of my love languages and a luxury I indulge in every morning instead of breakfast. I know, I know. Let me live.

Some mornings very early I bike with my coffee to a beautiful spot nearby, but when my extroverted self needs the hum and hubbub of other humans around, I stay for a couple hours at Starbucks – spend time with Jesus and writing or prepping to speak.
There is a socially awkward man, Edward*, who is also there very early every morning. He looks like he should be a clerk at a rare bookshop in London, but his actual job is working at a grocery store nearby here in Minneapolis. I’m guessing he’s on the Autism spectrum. He’s single, bald, with glasses, and always alone. Sometimes he brings a paper bag with a boiled egg from home for his breakfast. He just sits, staring out the window, but his face lights up when I come in.

He seems lonely so I try to be friendly for a reasonable amount of time (60 seconds?). Remember that time I posted on Instagram about seeing something and saying something?
I say “Hi” and comment on the weather and ask him if he’s working today and if he prefers his newspaper to online. Then I make a point of putting my earbuds in and moving on with my day. He returns to staring out the window.
Here’s the thing. On the days Edward doesn’t work, I wonder if I’m the only person who speaks to him. This morning as I put my earbuds in, the Holy Spirit whispered, “As you did it to the least of these, you did it to Me.”
I think about Jesus and Edward. Would Jesus spend unlimited time talking to him? How much time is enough to love Edward well? I mean Jesus had other people to meet and heal too, right? Which of the things on my “to do list” would Jesus think was more important than talking to Edward?
We can’t love people in a hurry.
I thought of Jesus’ encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well in John 4 – another person, who although she had several husbands, seemed to be isolated, outcast and lonely. Or Matthew the tax collector, or Zacchaeus. Jesus was a first class noticer and an inviter.
Jesus’ life was full of holy interruptions He made time for.
I heard someone say we need to “Walk through life at the speed of love.”
Even when I was super stressed with a long to-do list and two active toddlers to care for, my mentor said, “If you’re too busy to take a pot of soup to someone, you’re too busy.”
Or maybe today she’d say “If you’re too busy to talk to Edward, you’re too busy.”
Yes, I know there are seasons when you’re caring for too many others, or your health is compromised in some way, or your husband is MIA and you’re the one in need of soup. Be gentle with yourself and accept the help or the companionship of Jesus who shows up in the guise of a stranger at Starbucks or a pot of soup on your doorstep.
But if you can, take time for holy interruptions like Edward.
*Not his real name.
Woooh….started my residency in Obs gyn and the past 3 weeks have been a rollercoaster. Barely had any time to breath or notice anything else. I needed to read this at this very moment. I need to start making time for others. Or at least I’ll try!
Ohhhh Michael, our beloved son!! I was just bragging about you the other day to my Uber driver who was from Kenya!!We are so proud of you and know that you carry the light and love of Jesus to every patient you treat! We are prayerfully cheering you on!
Thank you Auntie. I love you so much. May God keep blessing you and your family.
Do you still have a daughter in DC? My pastor daughter just got married and moved there from Chicago to be with her husband. She is looking for community. Any ideas?
Yes she is! She lives on Capitol Hill. Is your daughter pastoring a church there? Katy would be happy to reach out if you send me an email address.
She isn’t currently pastoring. Just moved from Chicago to suburban DC. (Alexandria. ) She just got transplanted by marriage and is looking for friends and community. 😊
If she wants to reach out to Katy (katy.crosby@gmail.com) Katy would be happy to help her connect!
She isn’t currently pastoring. Just moved from Chicago to Alexandria.
Wonderful post Laura. Yes. People counsel, have boundaries. But did Jesus? Just met a couple at our table at a winery. Invited for thanksgiving. Then they mentioned they have more relatives from Ukraine. Makes sense. Good thing I got a 27 lb Turkey.
😍 You’re the best! Of course you got a turkey big enough to stretch! You have the welcoming heart of Jesus!
I so wish I could do this too, but we’re always guests with family in Chicago.
I love this Laura! “You can’t love someone if you’re in a hurry.” This speaks very loudly to me as I am often rushing places. Jesus took time for people. Thanks so much for sharing.
We can’t love people in a hurry! 💥. I have struggled with this so much, when wanting to see the ‘unseen’ person It’s not easy learning to slow down to love well, but I’m trying to and what a difference it’s making. Thanks for cheering us on!
I know you’re doing great, Opal! For me, I think part of the danger is getting in a mindset that prioritizes tasks over people 😬
Such a good reminder!!! Took a picture of this so I can reread on the go! Thank you, Laura, for your words.
You’re so kind, Leah! I know you take time to notice others around you!