Can you Hear Him Now, and Does it Matter?

It’s summer, the glorious Minnesota summer of silver lakes with brightly colored sailboats leaning into the wind, and cheery cardinals in my back yard, and fifty shades of green, growing as enthusiastically as possible before the all-too short season ends.


The other day I’m running.  And sweating.  A lot.  And thinking I am going to die (as usual). But I’m also on pace to go farther than I ever have.

I am scuffling around the east side of Lake of the Isles when I see a middle-aged woman sitting on a park bench.  She’s rubbing her eyes, looking like she might be crying.

IMG_2413Since I run at the pace of a turtle I have time to have a little conversation with God before I am too far gone.

God whisper: Maybe you should stop and ask if she’s ok.

Rationalizing self: She was probably just wiping sweat from her eyes. It’s hot!

God whisper: What do you have to lose?

Dark-hearted self: Well, Lorrrrd…I’m on pace to do my best.  If I stop now I’ll never finish.  I’ll have to start all over tomorrow and that would be sooooo…inconvenient!

God whisper:  Why are you doing this running thing anyway?

Sheepish self:  Well, You know…I’m trying to identify with those who have to do hard, uncomfortable, inconvenient things every day and raise money to get them clean water.  People who don’t have a choice.

God whisper:  Hmm…Choices…Running is hard.  And stopping?

Grudging self:  I could circle back to her I guess.  No!  It was sweat, not tears.  And it’s none of my business anyway.

The Holy Spirit may mumble something about hearing and doing, but I can’t be sure.  I turn up my iTunes and keep jogging.

Whisper fail?

The promptings of the Holy Spirit are usually assurance, admonition, or calls to action.

Maybe not in the middle of a run, but often there’s time to ask important questions to discern if it’s really God’s voice or psychosis.  Questions like

  • Is this in line with God’s character? (basically, is it loving?)
  • Is this in line with God’s Word?
  • Is it confirmed by other wise believers?

I didn’t have time to confirm this whisper with other believers, but stopping certainly was in line with God’s character and His Word.

This morning I read Hebrews 3:7-8  “So, as the Holy Spirit says: ‘Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts.'”

I’m not beating myself up.  I just want to pay attention and make a different choice next time.  Lord, give me a soft, responsive heart to your whispers.

Ever have a similar conversation with God?  How did you respond?


  1. Theresa Lamb

    Love this.. and not sure if I’ve ever really considered this verse Hebrews 3:7-8. Praying the Lord will allow me to hear and listen to His guidance or gentle tug at my heart 🙂

    • Christy Givens

      I believe that any whisper that comes from your Helper, Holy Spirit deserves a considerable amount of attention and respect regardless of situation ie; jogging, shopping, etc. Coincidences? I think not. If the situation IS in line with God’s heart…stop, look and listen. Do whispers fail? They do for me…but I have a direct line to the Lord. You see, I have asked him to have an extra loud whisper with me and a tug that I can respond to ! What I need to do is put myself in consistent, daily, quiet spaces so I may actually hear those QUIET whispers…then I will be prompted to LISTEN to His guidance. I love my Lord and he knows I have selective hearing- not because of pure disobedience, but I stay too busy and too consumed with rationalizing why! When I do hear the Lords voice…believe me- I rejoice! But then I always want to know ‘why’……And that’s a whole other subject!!
      I love this…thank you Theresa <3

  2. beloved100

    Ok one more good one on God whispering:)


    Sherri Conran

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