Monday I wrote about our culture of who’s in and who’s out. About how often, subtly, we “disqualify” people for church.
Jesus says we’re all broken, but through Him we’re all “in”. A messy community of sinners redeemed and being continually picked up, dusted off, and set on our wobbly feet to take a few steps forward before we tumble again.
Here’s the tough part about this. In an effort to be inclusive, we’re often afraid to say the last 10%. The hard truth that everyone’s included, but everyone is also in process and in need of forgiveness and redemption.
Somehow, in our culture, inclusion has become synonymous with approval. Not only do you need to welcome me, it’s taboo for you to point out anything that would indicate that perhaps not everything I do is in line with God’s Word and will for me.
How is it that we can follow Jesus in this? How can we love, welcome, and accept, but also be honest in saying “We’re on this journey together and none of us have arrived. Let’s help each other out as we try to move towards holiness.”