5 Words that Made me Stop

I’m a “J” on the Myers Briggs. That means I like quick decision-making and closure. I’m impulsive. A “jump first, ask questions later” kind of girl. Can anyone relate?

So a few weeks ago when I sensed a prompting (that I thought was from God), I was ready to act on it. Like immediately.

This nudge involved speaking a loving question into a friend’s life, but it was about a painful subject .

And then, this morning, before I did anything (this is one reason why morning quiet time is crucial for me! :)) I read 2 Samuel 2:1 “David inquired of the Lord”. The sentence sounded familiar so I checked in Bible Gateway. Sure enough I had read a version of  that same phrase 9 times about David! But this morning I didn’t just read it, I heard it as an additional reminder to me from God.

These 5 words stopped me in my tracks.

Inquiring of the Lord is a check-in with our divine Mentor of sorts. For me it meant praying about my prompting. “Lord this is what I THINK you want me to do. Will you confirm it in my spirit if so? Will you give me Your words if it is Your will?” And then I was still. (Always VERY hard for me!)

The way the Lord answered was to encourage me to put myself in my friend’s place.

Are the words you feel prompted to speak true? Yes.

Would they feel helpful or life-giving to you if you were in her place? Yes.

Are they necessary? No, they are not necessary I guess. I’m sure You, Lord, could find another way to talk to her, but You tapped me, and You remind me “put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor, for we are all members of one body.” (Eph. 4:25)

After “inquiring of the Lord” and really trying to listen for His response, I prayerfully wrote a note to my friend. Thankfully she received it with gratitude and reflection.

However, there have been times when I thought I was responding to a prompting, only to be blasted by the receiver, causing me to slink away like a scolded puppy. There have been other times when I haven’t spoken up in spite of a prompting and have regretted it as I watched a friend walk into ruin.

Bottom line? I think all we can do is our part – be attentive to the Holy Spirit and carefully inquire of the Lord before we speak. Then have the courage to either speak up or keep our mouths shut with courage as He leads us.

What has your experience been with nudges from the Holy Spirit?





  1. Theresa

    Love your introspection…. how thoughtful you chose to be by asking for His guidance before jumping! I can think of times when the Lord is nudging my heart but I talk myself out of it right away…usually feeling like this can’t be from the Lord, why would He use me?! Constantly reminded that He uses even the weakest & smallest for His glory!

    • Laura Crosby

      I love your heart, Theresa and I KNOW God is using you!!! xxxooo

  2. Pat Laybourn

    Wow. I think and react so similarly as you. In fact, I had a response to your question within minutes of reading it-lol…but I waited on the Lord until today. Lol again:)
    I have two friends (who don’t know each other) who pushed my personal boundaries a few days ago. I prayed about my response to them and emailed them back…the one ‘got’ it, and I think it will be ok. The second situation is trickier (no matter what I’d say), and there will be some push back. This is where ‘inquiring of the Lord’ will be very important for me to do.
    I thank you Laura, for this added perspective of approaching the Lord through prayer. Inquire, a very good word!

    • Laura Crosby

      So glad it was helpful Pat! It IS hard, especially because we all bring such baggage into every relationship, right?!

  3. Opal

    This is so timely as I struggle with issues that need to be addressed, yet I don’t want to be the one to do so unless I’m absolutely sure. The hypocrisy thing is just not me but people don’t want to hear truth so I wait. With.Great.Difficulty.., Help Holy Spirit.

    • Laura Crosby

      Yes! So hard!

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